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The pilots recalled that the night flights over Soviet territory were the most difficult. The usual feelings of emptiness and loneliness were replaced by attacks of icy horror: under the wing of the plane, a black abyss stretched for hundreds of miles around, with rare splashes of lights from farms and villages. Only
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So, let's continue our "mournful work."
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After the end of World War II, many cities in Europe and Asia lay in ruins, borders changed, someone was buried, and someone returned home, and everywhere they began to build a new life. Before the outbreak of war, in the late 1930s, the population of the Earth was 2 billion. In less than
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After Germany's surrender in May 1945, the Allies focused on Japan. The US Navy's strategy for capturing islands in the Pacific has paid off. In the hands of the Americans were the islands from which the B-29 bombers could reach Japan. Massive bombing campaigns began using
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November 13, 1918 - The day of the creation of the troops of the RKhBZ of Russia, it was then that the Chemical Service of the Red Army was created. This was a necessary and forced measure of the Soviet government to prevent the threat of unleashing chemical warfare against the Red Army by the White Guards and interventionists - there have already been cases
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In November 1941, Army Group South, commanded by Field Marshal G. von Runstedt, achieved another success. On November 19, the advanced units of the 1st Panzer Group division of Colonel-General E. von Kleist, breaking through a heavy snowfall, captured Rostov-on-Don. Reading the victorious report of
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In recent years, attempts have been made to deprive Russia of its place in world history by putting it “in a corner” for the so-called “historical crimes”. In this regard, Poland is especially zealous, which has compiled a whole list of Russian "crimes" against the Poles from the 16th to the 20th century. Central to
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The topic of losses in any war is extremely sensitive and controversial. However, it is the contradictions in the assessments that make it possible to get a more or less complete picture of this. Many years have passed since the NATO war against Yugoslavia. A huge war machine crashed into Yugoslavia, the entire population
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30 years ago, on November 8, 1986, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov passed away. Vyacheslav Molotov has been one of the main figures in Soviet politics since the 1920s, when he rose to prominence with the support of Stalin. In fact, Molotov became the second person in the Soviet state and was very popular in
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On the mountain passes of the North Caucasus. Military scouts of Captain I. Rudnev on a combat mission. Photo from the archive of the "Voeninform" Agency of the RF Ministry of Defense In the summer of 1942, the situation on the Soviet-German front was characterized by a number of complex strategic and tactical circumstances of the military and
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On April 16, 2012, the European Court of Human Rights will issue a final verdict in the so-called Katyn case. One of the Polish radio stations, citing the plaintiffs' lawyer, Mr. Kaminsky, reports that the ECHR session will be held in an open manner, and therefore the whole world will finally learn about
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The death of Admiral Stepan Makarov in Port Arthur became a symbol of the strategically inconsistent policy of the Russian state in the Far East and a turning point of the era of "Restless Russian genius" So Alexander Lieven, the commander of the cruiser "Diana" during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905, called
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The armed forces are one of the key elements of any state. At the same time, it is a very important social institution of society, which in one way or another embraces practically every person, every family, every collective. Someone is serving or has served himself, someone is a member of the family
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And Prince Igor said to his soldiers: “My squad and brothers! Better to be sweating than full to be!”“The Tale of Igor's Host”From time immemorial, people have been at war with each other. This often results in captivity. Wounds, hunger, illness, slave labor - all these hardships of bondage finally wear down and destroy the prisoners who
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The transfer of the commander of the 2nd Shock Army A.A. Vlasov to the service of the Germans, of course, was one of the most unpleasant episodes of the war for our country. There were other Red Army officers who became traitors, but Vlasov was the most senior and most famous
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Fortifications (UR) were assigned a very important role in the plans for the construction of the Red Army. According to the plans, they were supposed to cover the most important operational directions and areas, on the retention of which the stability of the defense depended, and serve as support lines for the action of field forces both in defense and
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On March 9, 1934, in the small town of Gzhatsk (now Gagarin), Gzhatsky District (now Gagarinsky) of Smolensk Region, a boy was born into an ordinary working-class family, who was to become the very First. The boy was named Yura. His mother, Anna Timofeevna (1903-1984), and his father, Alexey Ivanovich (1902-1973)
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Once upon a time there was a Russian province. Soldiers marched along it, barracks were built, "offices", there was even its own Admiralty. Thousands of subjects in Orthodox churches offered prayers for the health of Empress Catherine. Everything is as it should be, but this province was in … the Mediterranean
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A chest was raised from the bottom of the Baltic Sea, in which the rotors of the Enigma, the legendary encryption machine of the Third Reich, had been lying for almost 70 years. These cogwheels with the alphabet printed on them and electrical contacts in the middle are called the brain of "Enigma". It turned out that time is above
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Initially, there was no specialized propaganda department in the Finnish army. This kind of work was done by the Ministry of the Press. Only in 1934 was the information center under the Ministry of Defense (Sanomakeskus) established. Between 1937 and 1939 he organized continuing education courses in
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10.21.1805, at Cape Trafalgar, near the city of Cadiz (Spain), during the war of France against the 3rd anti-French coalition. The British fleet of Admiral G. Nelson defeated the Franco-Spanish fleet of Admiral P. Villeneuve, which ensured the dominance of the British fleet on
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The plane crash over Palomares (Spain) occurred on January 17, 1966, when an American B-52 strategic bomber with a thermonuclear weapon on board collided with the KC-135 tanker during refueling in flight. The disaster killed 7 people and lost four thermonuclear
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The current Minister of Defense is certainly an ambiguous figure, one can even say that during his leadership A.E. Serdyukov has become an odious figure for his department and the country as a whole. For what merits he suddenly turned from an absolutely civilian into the chief military specialist of the whole
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A kind of symbolic act took place, drawing a line under the First World War - the FRG transferred the last tranche of $ 70 million towards repayment of reparations established by the Versailles agreements. And in this regard, it makes sense, as it seems, to remember this war - fair or not, but
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The farther from Moscow, the less filthiness in the appearance of Russian cities. Probably, this is not for long, soon the liberal scum will reach the regions, but so far people remember the feats of their ancestors and respect their feat. A vivid example is the city of Volgograd, aka Stalingrad, where the memory of the most fierce battles
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The history of the Mayan army is just beginning to be investigated by scientists. Better analyzed the period of the New Kingdom (X - mid. XVI centuries), when the institution of the Mayan army received a new impetus for its development. In this era, the rulers of the cities henceforth became military leaders, who acted simultaneously in the role of priests
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This, already relatively late photo, shows, obviously, not the first version of an armored vehicle built by Zamoskvoretsk trams during the battles for power in Moscow during the 1917 Revolution. Unfortunately, no photos of the first model have survived, but this tram also managed to make war
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In the fall of 1979, the Rhodesians turned their attention to Zambia - more precisely, to its economy. Rhodesia was landlocked - but Zambia also did not have it, and therefore the Zambian authorities were forced to send part of their exports through the territory of Rhodesia, ruled by the hated
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Firstly, some Russian thugs participated in KP-I and are mentioned by non-Russians. Secondly, let's remember what happened in Russia in 1096, on April 13, 1093, the Grand Duke Vsevolod Yaroslavich, the grandson of St. Vladimir, died. His son Vladimir, in order to avoid strife, gave the throne to his
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In the Red Army, photographing against the background of the enemy's battered equipment was not widespread, simply because of the fewer cameras in the hands of the soldiers and the population. Plus, difficulties with developing and printing. The Germans simply sent films to the rear, to commercial workshops, where they printed pictures. This
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V.V. Vereshchagin. "Attack by surprise" After the unsuccessful Crimean War of 1853-1856. the Russian government was forced to temporarily change the vector of its foreign policy from the western (Europe) and southwestern (Balkans) to the eastern and southeastern. The latter seemed to be very promising
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November 9, 1939 Dear parents, brothers and sisters, I serve in Poland, it's hard here and I ask you to understand me when I will only write every 2-4 days, today I am writing only to ask you to send me Pervitin. future Nobel laureate Heinrich Böll
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The tragic fate of the "Joseph Stalin" turbo electric ship that was blown up and abandoned in a minefield was kept silent for forty-eight years. The few publications usually ended with the message: the ships of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet are leaving the liner with more than 2500 people on it
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Pavel Danilin, editor-in-chief of the Kremlin.org portal, board member of the Institute for Development Fund during
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On the Internet on several sites there is a material by S.G. Pokrovsky entitled "Treason of 1941", and on August 4, 11 and 18, the newspaper "Krasnaya Zvezda" published an article "The Mysteries of 1941", which is an abbreviated version of the material posted on the Internet … In reality, no
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Recently, or rather, on December 10, the VIASAT "History" channel presented those who watched it at that moment (I confess, there was nothing more interesting around) with another historical opus. It was about the liberation of Prague in May 1945. I learned a lot of new and interesting things, I especially liked about “The appropriation by the Red Army
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In the highest echelons of power in the USSR there were spies who worked for foreign special services, says a veteran of foreign intelligence, General Yuri Drozdov. According to him, a special list was created, which included members of the leadership of the Soviet Union suspected of illegal connections with foreign intelligence - in
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What did the German scientists do in Sukhumi … and not only there Five years ago, a fuss about the alleged leakage of radioactive materials from Abkhazia arose in the Western press. IAEA inspectors even came to the then unrecognized republic, but they found nothing. As it turned out later, the false
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This year, the next, already the 305th, anniversary will be celebrated by one of the most famous branches of the Russian Armed Forces - the marines. Epochs changed, the state system in the country changed, the colors of banners, uniforms and weapons changed. One thing remained unchanged - high
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The werewolf from the Lubyanka stole more than 10,000 top secret documents. He was taken right at the Lubyanka. Immediately after duty. In front of his astonished colleagues, who had never seen anything like it, for half a century they hadn’t taken security officers at their workplaces. Another portion of "goods" was in his diplomat. He was