Since the first announcement, the promising Burevestnik cruise missile has invariably attracted the attention of the press and the public. On August 15, the American edition of The Washington Post published an article by Gregg Gerken "Russia's mysterious 'new' nuclear weapons aren't really new", in which an attempt was made to compare the new Russian development and old American project.

Old and new
The author of The Washington Post recalls that the Burevestnik rocket made a lot of noise in the recent past. The Russian president called it a fundamentally new weapon - an invulnerable missile with an almost unlimited flight range. Foreign experts also drew attention to this rocket and called it a technological breakthrough.
However, according to G. Gerken, the new Russian development is based on ideas that appeared at the beginning of the Cold War. In the early sixties, American scientists were engaged in the Pluto project, the goal of which was to create a nuclear rocket engine. Such a product was developed for the SLAM (Supersonic Low Altitude Missile) cruise missile.
Work on Pluto and SLAM ended in the mid-sixties and did not lead to the desired weapon. At that time, a nuclear-powered rocket was not the best idea for a number of reasons. The author believes that even now such a concept cannot be considered successful.
The SLAM project proposed the creation of a cruise missile "the size of a locomotive" capable of traveling at three times the speed of sound. In flight, it was supposed to drop thermonuclear warheads and leave a radioactive trail behind it. Low-altitude flight, according to calculations, led to the appearance of a shock wave with a level of 150 dB at ground level. The red-hot parts of the structure could, as the famous movie hero used to say, “roast chickens in the poultry yard”.
However, a serious problem arose at that time. Scientists and engineers have not been able to find an optimal test program. It was proposed to test the SLAM missile over the Pacific Ocean on the route in the form of an eight, but there was a risk of error and flight in the direction of populated areas. There was also a proposal for testing on a circular trajectory using a harness. The question of the disposal of the rocket after the completion of the flight remained - it was planned to flood it in the ocean.

In July 1964, the Pluto engine was tested, and a few weeks later the program was closed. The promising rocket was too dangerous and could not show sufficient efficiency. Intercontinental ballistic missiles were more convenient, profitable and safer for the operator.
G. Gerken believes that the old ideas were again accepted for implementation, which led to the emergence of the "Petrel" project. In addition, he recalls the Poseidon submarine project, similar to the giant thermonuclear torpedo proposed in the past. In the sixties, such ideas were abandoned, but now they are returned.
However, there may be no cause for concern. The author recalls the opinion existing in the expert community, according to which new models of Russian weapons are only part of a propaganda campaign. The US authorities have announced their intention to modernize their nuclear forces, and Russia is responding to these plans. According to G. Gerken, in this case, V. Putin's statements resemble those of N. Khrushchev, who argued that the USSR makes rockets like sausages.
The author does not argue that a nuclear-powered cruise missile or a thermonuclear underwater vehicle can cause enormous damage to American infrastructure - if they exist and are used for their intended purpose. However, there are doubts about the reality of such developments. G. Gerken believes that such "Potemkin armaments" lead to a characteristic risk. As Khrushchev boasted half a century ago, new statements by the Russian leadership could provoke the United States to return to forgotten concepts. As a consequence, an arms race similar to the one in the past will begin again.
Similarities and differences
The Burevestnik and SLAM missiles began to be compared almost immediately after the first announcement of the Russian project. Indeed, the known data on the two developments allow us to speak about the implementation of at least similar ideas. In this case, of course, we are talking about the embodiment of similar concepts at different levels of technology. For half a century that has passed since the closure of the SLAM project, science and technology have stepped forward, and the Burevestnik product should be distinguished by great design perfection.

Comparing the two projects is interesting, but difficult for a number of reasons. First of all, it is a lack of necessary information. Quite a lot is known about the SLAM project - it has long been declassified, and all the main materials on it are well known. With "Petrel" everything is much more complicated. Only fragmentary information is known, and everything else is estimates and assumptions. Thus, a full comparison of the two missiles is not yet possible, which encourages discussion and speculation.
The American SLAM project proposed the construction of a cruise missile with a ramjet engine, in which a nuclear reactor acted as a source of thermal energy. The principle of operation of the "Petrel" propulsion system is still unknown, but the use of similar ideas is very likely. However, it is very likely that solutions aimed at reducing emissions are applied.
The cruising speed of the SLAM product was supposed to reach M = 3, which made it possible to quickly reach target areas and break through enemy air defenses. According to the published videos, the Burevestnik is a subsonic missile. Both products are required to have a "global" range, but such propulsion capabilities are used in different ways.
It was proposed to equip SLAM with means for transporting and ejecting 16 warheads. Such combat equipment became one of the prerequisites for the large dimensions and mass of the rocket. "Burevestnik" is almost three times shorter and noticeably lighter than the American missile, which may indicate the use of a warhead traditional for cruise missiles. Apparently, the Russian missile carries only one warhead and cannot hit multiple targets.
Thus, the old American and the new Russian rocket, while having the general principles of the propulsion system, are different in everything else. Probably, all this is connected with different requirements and tasks. The SLAM product was created as an alternative to the developing intercontinental ballistic missiles, capable of breaking through enemy defenses and striking multiple targets. "Petrel", in turn, should complement other weapons of the strategic nuclear forces, but not replace them.

Another important difference between the two projects should also be noted. The SLAM missile never made it to testing, while the Burevestnik product had already been tested in the air. It is not clear what the equipment of the Russian missile was. However, the necessary checks were carried out and the work continued.
Rockets and politics
The SLAM cruise missile powered by the Pluto program did not enter service and did not have any impact on the military-political situation in the world. A different situation is developing around the Russian "Burevestnik" and other promising developments. This missile is still at the testing stage, but it is already causing controversy and may even affect relations between countries.
As noted by The Washington Post and other foreign publications, the appearance of the Burevestnik missile could provoke the United States to retaliate and actually launch a new arms race. However, the real steps by Washington are not yet associated with the new cruise missile.
Recent events show that the US considers the emergence of hypersonic systems of third countries, as well as Russia's "violation" of the treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles, to be a formal reason for the development of its strategic weapons. The Burevestnik product is not yet included in such a list and is not an official reason for one or another work. However, as practice shows, everything can change at any moment.
Bad comparison
An article in The Washington Post compared the promising Russian Burevestnik missile to the American SLAM product developed in the past. This comparison was made with an allusion to the fact that Russian specialists were able to repeat the project of American industry only a few decades later.
However, this thesis can be viewed from the other side. The United States was unable to bring the Pluto and SLAM projects to full-fledged tests, not to mention the adoption of the missile into service. Thus, already at the stage of development work, the Russian "Burevestnik" bypasses foreign development. In the foreseeable future, he will have to complete tests and enter service, strengthening the defense. After that, current American attempts to recall the SLAM project can be considered clumsy attempts to justify their lag in the advanced field.