Armies of the world

Troops of the Land of the Pyramids

Troops of the Land of the Pyramids

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

When the armed forces of the Arab Republic of Egypt (Egypt) conducted large-scale military maneuvers in the Sinai in the fall of 2008, Israel was traditionally chosen as a conditional enemy. This fact has caused another tension between Cairo and Jerusalem. About five months later, last February, when

Russian paratroopers will train in NATO countries

Russian paratroopers will train in NATO countries

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Servicemen of the Russian Airborne Forces are preparing for internships in the United States, Germany and other countries, the commander of the Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov, said on Wednesday. The general also spoke about the immediate plans of the Airborne Forces and what aircraft the paratroopers need. "Chief of the General

Disarmament program

Disarmament program

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

What do you think, what did Dmitry Medvedev tell the world when, at a meeting dedicated to the budget of the law enforcement agencies, he set the task of equipping the Russian army with modern weapons by at least 30 percent by 2015? Do you think that the Russian army has a chance to finally acquire a new

We will survive the maneuvers. And if there is a war?

We will survive the maneuvers. And if there is a war?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Any maneuvers are a rehearsal for military operations. They, in fact, are then carried out to check the combat readiness of the troops, the degree of their training. And also in order to test those concepts of warfare that are being introduced into the troops. The largest maneuvers of the Russian army this year

A mercenary is not a defender of the fatherland

A mercenary is not a defender of the fatherland

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

People in modern Russia are very fond of discussing the need to create a so-called professional army. Moreover, the supporters of this proposal are not only representatives of the liberal intelligentsia, but also a significant part of the population of our country who does not share its other views

You're in the army again

You're in the army again

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russia refuses a high-quality professional army. Such a conclusion can be drawn from a number of statements by representatives of the top generals. The head of the main organizational and mobilization department of the General Staff, General Vasily Smirnov, suggested at hearings in the Federation Council to raise the upper

Academic leave in the soldier's ranks

Academic leave in the soldier's ranks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Ministry of Defense will try to increase the number of recruits by hook or by crook During the spring campaign, 270,600 people will be called up. Meanwhile, the Russian government, with the participation of the Ministry of Defense, is planning

Jet fighters and camel cavalry

Jet fighters and camel cavalry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The "troops of the sands" are ready for battles in the deserts of the Maghreb King Mohammed VI is not only the nominal supreme commander in chief but also the real head of the Moroccan army. Photo by Reuters Moroccans have always been considered excellent warriors. For centuries they opposed the European conquerors, and during the First and

Only old men will go into battle

Only old men will go into battle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

What should be the age limit for conscript military service? The opinions of doctors and the military on this score were fundamentally different

Soldiers will serve near home

Soldiers will serve near home

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces plans to draft conscripts on a territorial basis already in 2011. Such work, according to Interfax, citing a source in the Ministry of Defense, is already being carried out by the military department within the framework of the general "humanization of the army" announced

Less burdens and hardships

Less burdens and hardships

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the suggestion of the Russian Defense Minister in the Armed Forces, a five-day working week with two days off will be introduced for conscripts, and civilians will take over cooking for personnel, cleaning the territory and premises in military camps. The Ministry of Defense also wants

The Ministry of Defense is preparing to fight on all four sides

The Ministry of Defense is preparing to fight on all four sides

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By December 2010, the Ministry of Defense intends to create operational-strategic commands (OSK) on the basis of the existing military districts, which will control the four cardinal points. Today, we recall that there are 6 military districts in Russia - Moscow, Leningrad, North Caucasian

"Our army is turning into a student and worker-peasant army"

"Our army is turning into a student and worker-peasant army"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Head of the Center for Military Forecasting - on the correct age of conscription, "wrong" contract soldiers and real enemies of Russia Vasily Smirnov, the Chief of the Russian General Staff, said that the Ministry of Defense proposes to increase the term of the spring conscription of citizens for military service until the end of August

Start over

Start over

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Why the program of recruiting parts and formations by contract soldiers stalled Back in the mid-90s, Russia, following the example of the advanced countries of the West, decided to acquire a professional army. The idea itself is good. This became especially clear during the first campaign in Chechnya, when the fight against mothers

Kshatriya caste. The growing power of the Indian Navy

Kshatriya caste. The growing power of the Indian Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

If in an Indian film a gun hangs on the wall, in the final scene it will certainly sing or dance. Comparison of the Indian naval forces with the Bollywood film studios is not accidental - after all, like any Indian cinema, the Indian Navy is a real trash. But at the same time, trash of the highest level! Bright

Iranian air control

Iranian air control

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The background for the confrontation between the United States and Israel was the state of the Iranian armed forces, which came to the center of attention of many Internet resources and the media. Iran's air defense and military aircraft caused a lot of discussion. Iranian authorities understand the weakness of their air force, focusing on combat

Armies of the world. Armed Forces of Turkmenistan

Armies of the world. Armed Forces of Turkmenistan

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Historical information about the armed forces of Turkmenistan After the collapse of the USSR, a large Soviet military grouping came under the jurisdiction of Turkmenistan: from the Turkestan Military District - the administration of the 36th Army Corps, 58th (Kizyl-Arvat), 84th (Ashgabat), 88th Kushka ) MSD, 61st training MOD

Soldiers of fortune, "wild swans", "dogs of war" Mercenaries - who are they?

Soldiers of fortune, "wild swans", "dogs of war" Mercenaries - who are they?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mercenarism has existed for a very long time, this concept cannot be considered modern. Even during the time of Alexander the Great, during his campaign in Asia (334 BC), there were about five thousand mercenaries in his army. Moreover, the enemy's army included twice as many mercenaries

Day of the Armenian army. How the Armed Forces of Armenia were formed and are developing

Day of the Armenian army. How the Armed Forces of Armenia were formed and are developing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On January 28, Army Day was celebrated by the Republic of Armenia, the closest partner of the Russian Federation in the Transcaucasus. Exactly fifteen years ago, on January 6, 2001, Armenian President Robert Kocharian signed the Law “On Holidays and Memorable Days of the Republic of Armenia”. In accordance with this law, and was established

Finland and Sweden: who will hold out against Russia for more than a week?

Finland and Sweden: who will hold out against Russia for more than a week?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Last year I already reviewed the funny topic of comparing two armies - the Estonian and the Latvian. They say: the one who laughs last laughs well, and in Tallinn they were convinced of the correctness of this saying. Bragging about his own invincible army in front of the Latvians, whose armed forces are supposed to be only suitable for guarding convoys

Renovation of the Chinese military fleet. Part 2

Renovation of the Chinese military fleet. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The day before, you and I began to admire the successes of our Chinese neighbors in military shipbuilding. More precisely, the fact that they have managed to build in recent years. The first part of their new products is presented at the link above. Well, we continue to get acquainted with the second part. Destroyers type 053H3

History of the Bulgarian Air Force. Part 2. Bulgarian Air Force in World War II (1939-1945)

History of the Bulgarian Air Force. Part 2. Bulgarian Air Force in World War II (1939-1945)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Before the outbreak of World War II, the Bulgarian Air Force received a truly "royal" gift. In March 1939, Germany occupied Czechoslovakia. The question arose of what to do with the planes of the Czechoslovak Air Force. The Germans offered them to the Bulgarians, who were looking for a cheap source of increasing their own air force

History of the Bulgarian Air Force. Part 1. Beginning (1912-1939)

History of the Bulgarian Air Force. Part 1. Beginning (1912-1939)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I would like to highlight one of the undeservedly bypassed topics: the air forces of the Balkan states. I'll start with Bulgaria, especially since few people know that the Bulgarians were the second in the world after the Italians to use aircraft in the war and produced their own rather interesting designs. The history of aviation in Bulgaria began in August

Global Firepower rating. April 2015

Global Firepower rating. April 2015

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

All countries in the world are concerned about their security, pursuing an appropriate foreign policy and developing their armed forces. Comparing the military power of countries is one of the most interesting security issues. To the delight of experts, politicians and the interested public, regularly

Tasselless Pilots and Mono Overalls: Spanish Civil War Uniforms

Tasselless Pilots and Mono Overalls: Spanish Civil War Uniforms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Republican Soldiers in Combat Uniforms are always fun. Last time we stopped at the fact that the uniform reform was carried out in the army of the Republic. But the fact was that many of the most diverse volunteer formations of the Popular Front fought on the side of the republic:

Berets, caps and turbans: uniforms of the Spanish Civil War

Berets, caps and turbans: uniforms of the Spanish Civil War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Republican infantry heading for the front lines in the Gaudarama Mountains Uniforms are always fun. Today we will get acquainted with the uniforms of the parties to a somewhat unusual military conflict - the civil war of 1936-1939. in Spain, where nationalists clashed in arms who advocated preserving

Operational detachment "Delta" (US. Delta Force)

Operational detachment "Delta" (US. Delta Force)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

History of creation In the early 60s, the command of the American "green berets" signed an agreement with the British SAS on the mutual exchange of people. In accordance with it, each of the parties had to send one officer and one sergeant for an internship for a year. The first of the Americans

US Rangers

US Rangers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Ranger - from the English. ranger - Rangers lead the way! (The Rangers are ahead!). US President John F. Kennedy, speaking of the special forces, which include the rangers, said: "This

Personal combat equipment of a soldier of the United States Army

Personal combat equipment of a soldier of the United States Army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The American soldier today, according to the command of the US Armed Forces, is the most prepared and has the best equipment in the history of the state, and the army itself is the strongest in the world. The soldier is generally regarded as a "weapon system", and his individual combat equipment is given special

KATUSA: Servant of two masters

KATUSA: Servant of two masters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A unit with the complicated name "Korean Augmentation for the United States Army" - Korean Augmentation To the United States Army, KATUSA, is a special group within the US Eighth Army, consisting of active Korean troops under American command. It was created in July

NATO paper tiger

NATO paper tiger

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Chinese have such an apt expression - a paper tiger. This is when visibility is significantly divorced from the real state of affairs. The Ukrainian agency UNIAN has published a comparative analysis of the military capabilities of NATO and the Russian Federation, conducted by the Polish TV channel TVN24. From his calculations, it follows that NATO is

Which side is the US military budget cut

Which side is the US military budget cut

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Since the beginning of the year, news has been pouring in from the United States that the Pentagon's budget is undergoing severe cuts, as President Obama has recently announced. Thus, the US Budget Conciliation Commission has published materials related to overcoming disagreements regarding the curtailment or

Healthy Delhi - Healthy Mind

Healthy Delhi - Healthy Mind

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russia's historical partner against friendship for three In terms of military potential, India, along with the DPRK and Israel, is among the second three leading countries. The first, of course, is made up of the United States, China and the Russian Federation. The personnel of the Indian Armed Forces have a high level of combat and moral and psychological training, although they are recruited

Snipers of Donbass

Snipers of Donbass

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The beginning of the conflict in 2014, the sniper formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine met mainly with Dragunov sniper rifles (SVD) of the 1963 model. Such weapons, of course, did not allow effective work on remote targets, but it was quite suitable for battles in urban areas. In Ukraine

Militarism 2.0. Japan builds muscle

Militarism 2.0. Japan builds muscle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The largest aircraft carrier in the United States, Japan, lacks security guarantees from the occupying American forces. The Land of the Rising Sun is making independent attempts to arm itself. The main threat to the Japanese, of course, is the mighty China, which is methodically increasing

Operational and tactical skill of the militia of the South-East of Ukraine. The ending

Operational and tactical skill of the militia of the South-East of Ukraine. The ending

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The militias, faced with a clearly stronger rival, were forced from the very beginning to fight according to the principle "if you want to live, be able to spin." Ukrainian troops, on the contrary, tried to cover the entire territory of the LPNR quite straightforwardly with a kind of gigantic stranglehold, hoping to cut off the rebels from

Operational and tactical skill of the militia of the South-East of Ukraine. Part 1

Operational and tactical skill of the militia of the South-East of Ukraine. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first period of hostilities in Donbass was marked by the defensive tactics of the militia, but the turning point occurred after May 2014, when the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to iron cities with artillery and aircraft. In response, the self-defense forces organized a mass of raids on enemy locations, and also captured

Ground units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Combat tactics. The ending

Ground units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Combat tactics. The ending

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Heavy mortars and cannons with a caliber of over 100 mm, as well as RZSO, are used in an unusually massive manner in the Donbass. Multiple launch rocket systems operate on average two to three times more actively than in all previous local wars. Especially popular are "Grads" and "Hurricanes", which are relatively

Ground units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Combat tactics. Part 1

Ground units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Combat tactics. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the beginning of the “anti-terrorist” operation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were more likely to blockade individual settlements captured by the militia to ensure the subsequent “cleansing” operation. The dirty work of eliminating unwanted persons was carried out by the forces of the National Guard of Ukraine and numerous territorial

"Shushpantsy" of Ukraine. Part 3

"Shushpantsy" of Ukraine. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the manufacturers specializing in the production of armored vehicles for the ATO zone is the Kiev firm Praktika. In addition to a wide range of light armored vehicles, the production range includes the Ford F-150 gantruck, designed to "deliver quick" stinging "strikes to units