In 1973, the US Navy began development on the "space cruiser" program, a manned orbital interceptor designed for "scientific and military research." The fleet was particularly interested in a system that would get rid of the Soviet observation satellites that tracked the ships of the fleet. The space cruiser was to be launched on a Poseidon-class rocket from a nuclear-powered submarine. Its flight profile was very narrow - it was supposed to intercept during one, maximum - two orbits. The device, launched into the desired orbit, would have to perform a series of maneuvers that allowed it to approach the satellite and attack it with guided missiles.
The length of the spacecraft was 8.08 meters, its mass was 4900 kg, the maximum weight that the Poseidon rocket could send into orbital flight. 17 small jet engines aft controlled the vehicle. Their dimensions were chosen based on considerations of reducing the length of the apparatus intended for basing on submarines.
In the event of hostilities, the accompanying AUG submarine (usually outdated) had to launch from 4 to 8 interceptors into different orbits. The interceptors were supposed to converge with the satellites, and quickly destroy them with guided missiles. It was not ruled out to conduct an orbital battle against spacecraft. After the attack, the space cruisers entered the atmosphere and landed using a delta glider.
The project was closed in 1975.