The aggravation of the situation in Ukraine forced me to interrupt the writing of a series of articles on psychological weapons: it is unethical to tell idle tales and theories when real help is needed. You have to be there. Therefore, at the end of the topic, I would like to briefly and in an accessible language present some basic information on the peculiarities of our perception and thinking, which will be of interest to both serious researchers and simply curious people.
Perception Algorithm
What is analysis? Decomposition, dismemberment is a research method. Surprisingly, it is not at all necessary to have a human mind in order to have the ability to analyze, you may not have any brains at all, even electronic ones. The simplest example is sieves at a crushed stone plant, where, in the course of crushing rock passing through a series of sieves with different mesh sizes, we get the separation of crushed stone into various fractions, from fine to large, for various production needs. And it turns out that any physical law can be interpreted as the splitting of information, which means, as an integral property, excuse me for nudism, of matter.
In living nature, the sieve principle is used to its fullest, only instead of cells, into which pieces of limestone of suitable size fall, thousands, if not millions of sensors, nerve endings are used that react to a certain light wave, heat, taste or smell.
How is the algorithm drawn? One of the first icons means data input, programmers work with already separated information, so it goes further down in one dash, in the case of wildlife this is impossible, on the contrary, we have thousands of these inputs. That is why we can feel, see, be aware in volume, and the machine can only count. There is one more feature here: if the signal from each receptor goes directly to the brain, it will "go crazy", therefore, the collection of information from nerve endings, sensors is structured according to certain bundles, collecting in nerve nodes that play the role of routers, filters, passing further only the necessary information at the moment. That is, the number of inputs and receptor-sensors can differ from each other by several orders of magnitude, thus realizing the principle of sieves in a new quality. And the principle of separation of information processing comes out, this is where the expanse for biological evolution and artificial intelligence architects begins, it turns out that in order to be smart and successful in their field, it is not at all necessary to have the largest and most perfect brain or central processor. … The main thing is that the system is balanced and consistent with the tasks it faces. An example of this in living nature is the organization of complex communities among insects, the same ants, bees.
In electronics, this was confirmed by the results of the confrontation between the Soviet and American schools of engineering. With the lagging of the element base and computing power, Russian scientists, committed to minimalism and simplicity, were forced to follow the principle of information sharing to unload central computers, while sometimes ordinary electromechanical relays, or even thyristors, were installed as a router in the data processing circuit instead of microprocessors. And nevertheless, or perhaps due to this, phenomenal results were achieved in the creation of missile systems, air defense or the P-500 Basalt product.
Quite a well-known fact: on November 15, 1988, the Buran spacecraft made an automatic landing at the Yubileiny airfield, which the American space shuttles were not capable of. But let's continue the associative array - in September 1991, at the Farnborough Avisalon, a K-50 combat helicopter nicknamed "Black Shark" was demonstrated. One of the features of his autopilot was that in the event of the death of a person or his inability to control the car, he independently returned and put the bird on the base. And how all this contrasts with the following event: in November 2010 in Alaska, an F-22 fighter jet under the control of pilot Jeffrey Haney crashed. According to the investigative committee, led by retired general Gregory Martin, the cause of the disaster was the malfunctioning of the OBOGS (on-board oxygen generation system), which made Haney suffocate. At the same time, the deceased pilot was blamed for the disaster (!!!). That is, an incredibly expensive aircraft with miracle electronics, in a country that has begun mass production of combat drones, was unable to do things that Soviet engineers implemented 20-25 years ago ?! Correct me if I am wrong, but then suddenly I slander American exceptionalism.
There is such an anecdote. The insane asylum decided to determine which of the patients to prepare for discharge and asked a test question:
- How much is one hundred plus one hundred?
And three patients consistently answer, the first - "Green", the second - "Salty", and the third says - "There will be two hundred."
The delighted doctor asks the last patient, how did he do this? He, not a second, not hesitating, replies: "And he divided the green into salty."
It's funny, but this is how our brain works, operating with figurative pictures with a breakdown in time. A direct consequence of the principle of dividing the information of our perception is precisely the fact that it is more difficult for us to work with objects of formal logic, the same numbers, than with visual (sound in the case of blindness) images and sensations. Green is exactly green for us, and an abstract number (a secondary symbol) can have a complex encoding and, very possibly, dividing by "salty". One of the main miracles that people brought to this world was the ability to change their perception within certain limits, when a person, purposefully engaged in a certain activity, develops the ability to see things beyond the usual boundaries. It has many names - professional flair, insight as getting an answer before its logical justification, spiritual experience, intuition.
Perceptual errors
And everything would be fine, but trouble came from where they did not expect. Who would have thought? The book, which has done so much to preserve, increase and generalize knowledge, has caused the stagnation of modern science. Now this has begun to affect even when processing results in exact disciplines. The written language as a symbol of scholasticism, coupled with the existing unification of education with training formal logic on objects, became a brake on development. It seemed that by using paper as an intermediary, people got the advantage of concentrating on the object when presenting their thoughts, but it turned out that other non-linguistic information chains were cut off. Over and over again, emasculating concepts, it seemed, for the convenience of their operation, people, as a result, began to receive no one knows what. The orgy of "glitches" that is now happening in the information space is sometimes not at all a consequence of malicious intent, but an objective factor in the accumulation of existing errors of perception, which are just used by bad people.
If it is not clear, again in other words. Human adaptive mechanisms are not rubber, you cannot pull your eyes over the back of your head. Forcing our nature to operate with empty abstractions, but at least with the same ideological cliches, sooner or later leads to the fact that what made us the crown of creation begins to suffer - our perception, nature's ability to analyze, the natural principle of sharing information. How does this oppression turn out? We're getting dumber! How not to recall the words of Mikhail Zadornov about the formatted consciousness.
As an example: where is such a lofty concept as morality updated in real time? Of course, not in the catechism, but in human relations. Then the question is: in what human relationships? Feat and nobility manifest the core of the personality, but are only a consequence of its formation. Then what makes people come back to this topic over and over again? Not notation, of course. If you want to inoculate something, let it be felt. Where is the intersection of human destinies, where, willingly or unwillingly, people are next to each other in happiness or trouble and seek understanding of each other?

This is a family, but I ask you to avoid oversimplification, all sorts of clichés and, God forgive me, creativity. The concept of "family" in this case should be considered precisely as a reactor, a crossroads of interweaving and collision of feelings of people, female and male principles of different generations, which is fundamentally, children and parents in time. Each of us, to one degree or another, knows this sensation as a synthesis of a higher concept, we just need to remember it. This crosshair, as long as it exists, is that gyroscope, generator of meaning, keeper of memory, and no matter how darkening of souls comes, it will turn to good even after several generations, and there are so many things that separate people. There is, for example, a German proverb that sounds like a bogey of individualism - "everyone dies alone." And we really do die alone.
Then the next question. Why break this mechanism? I can swear that I'm good, but what's the point? Guarantees are provided only by a working structure, which, in principle, cannot consist of one subject. It's not just gay marriage.
Somehow the lines from Pushkin's work "Eugene Onegin" came to mind, the words of Tatiana: "But I am given to another and will be faithful to him forever." From the point of view of modern Western morality, this is a wild expression of slave psychology, a manifestation of terrible sexism and male chauvinism. It turns out that “Pussy Riot” still has a lot of work to do, it is necessary to urgently hold a punk prayer service at the Ministry of Education, exclude Pushkin from the school curriculum and demolish a couple of monuments …
Alexander Sergeevich, of course, did not want to offend anyone, he wrote in these lines about ORALITY. This case clearly demonstrates what I wrote above at the beginning of this chapter, about the orgy of "glitches". In pursuit of fashionable (or false?) Truths, it is impossible to destroy the mechanisms that have been forming public consciousness for centuries, this can inevitably lead after a while to a big trouble. And the point here is not in the dispute between responsibility and freedom, as such, but in the exclusion from the use of suicidal models of behavior. "To be or not to be, that is the question."
But for some reason no one wants to explain this to us, but to pit people against each other, throwing in populist slogans is just "hello." Actually, the same "human rights" do not even half reflect the rights of the organism, and not just the aspirations of the individual.
The issue of forming a psychological warfare unit in the relevant structures of the Russian Federation has long been ripe and overripe. I will not hide, the series of articles about psychological weapons was conceived by me in order to determine the availability of such services, since I wrote very interesting things "for people who are in the subject." But reality once again laughed at my naivety, it was the events in Ukraine that showed that there is NO such unit. All sorts of dark offices, you cannot name it in another way, such as the public association "Russia 2045", do not count.
This is very bad, since the sane work on psychological weapons and its use could save many lives.
For those who do not have time to read my earlier materials on this topic, here is a brief information on the prerequisites that indicate the need for the emergence of such structures.
Sun Tzu, "The Art of War," a treatise from the second half of the 5th century BC (453-403).
“… The one who knows how to wage war conquers another's army without fighting; takes other people's fortresses without besieging; crushes a foreign state without keeping his army for a long time. He is sure to keep everything intact and by this he challenges the authority. Therefore, it is possible to have a benefit without dulling the weapon: this is the rule of a strategic attack”.
One of my acquaintances, a half-bandit, a half-entrepreneur, said: "Things must be done so that you would be happy to give me your money."
I don’t know how many, only the last decades in our country can be fully characterized by the term “ideological occupation”. The war of meanings (again, motivations) is a manifestation of the highest strategic form of psychological weapons, and there is also a natural variety of tactics.
It is interesting, by the way, from the standpoint of historical materialism to consider the rethinking of the reasons for the defeat in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905, in the works of A. N. Stepanov in the novel "Port Arthur", A. S. Novikov-Surf in the novel "Tsushima", eyewitnesses of those events when, among other things, it was about the psychological component. In light of this, it is natural in the future, regardless of the political background, the formation of the institution of political workers in the Red Army and the Soviet Army. And even in our time it was not possible to declare this a misunderstanding.
However, there has never been a scientific, systematic, conscious approach to this topic. We still blindly follow the circumstances, and the processes of evolutionary development, excuse me, as they had us, and they have. The Ukrainian crisis is a clear confirmation of this. While the circumstances were favorable, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, Alexander Viktorovich Vitko, during the Crimean events could threaten in an interview: “If at least someone fires a slingshot,” and this somehow worked. But in a more difficult environment, it became a sign of powerlessness.
The same Mikhalkov as a representative of exorcism and cultural enlightenment, the same Kiselev as a representative of the journalistic corps, or Vitko as a representative of the armed forces can be excellent mouthpieces, but they are just performers, they can be made responsible for specific events, but they can be shoved with what the politicians failed to do, right up to the formation of an absent ideology, would be wrong.
Here is the philosopher Ilyin and who else was pulled out of the naphthalene after him. Hmmm …
But the time is not far off when the opposing sides will track and shoot, like the Mossad, Iranian nuclear physicists, specialists in psychological weapons. So the NSA has begun funding the development of programs that track sarcasm on the networks. Down and Out trouble started!
What else can I say about this? What a pity. This is where I could help.
And further. I was always surprised by the fact that despite the fact that everyone in life uses tricks, those people who like to read the yellow press and watch the Ren-TV channel are convinced that the means of psycho-influence should look like a box with buttons, sometimes with an antenna … Apparently for complacency.