I have tried many times to reveal the topic of psychological weapons in my works. The last straw that made me sit down at the keyboard was the article "Polygraph in Afghani" by Igor Nevdashev (published on the resource "Voennoye Obozreniye" on December 21, 2013). To be honest, Nevdashev's material is about nothing, the author writes about nodules on napkins, about the problems of analyzing the psychological portrait of objects of development, about how it is necessary for conducting important negotiations, assessing the quality of information received from the object, and, finally, hits the mysticism of teaching Sufis. By the way, this is very typical for ordinary practicing psychologists, when in the conditions of the impotence of the theoretical basis of their profession (more precisely, its complete absence), they resort to shamanic dances with astrology and esotericism. However, for me, this article is primarily interesting as an indicator of checking the circulation of information about the means of psychological influence in our information environment. As an example, in the thirties of the last century, scientific journals suddenly stopped publishing materials on fissile materials and everything that could lead to the creation of an atomic bomb. I think that even now a specially dedicated operative, looking through voluntary or involuntary informational stuffing (journalists need to write something), and especially carefully studying the comments to them, can draw up a report to the authorities with a clear conscience: there are no information leaks.
You see, it's a shame. In the same place, on the "Military Review", I published an article "The battles of special forces. Secrets of the battles near the Zhalanashkol lake”. In it, I told some unknown episodes about a regular, one might even say, routine operation to strengthen the state border. However, the reaction of some readers in the comments amazed me. They called me both a science fiction writer and a provocateur, once again citing as an argument the same dusty newspaper materials that I also questioned. Weird! Even a superficial analysis of border conflicts between different countries over the past thirty years shows that special forces are mainly fighting. So it was between Ecuador and Peru, and in the Anglo-Argentine conflict not a single border guard was injured at all, the first victim was the commander of a group of Argentine commandos. But declaring me mentally ill became a clear overkill. If someone gets a nervous tic from the words “the conflict at Lake Zhalanashkol has become a brilliant exemplary operation of Soviet intelligence and special forces”, then which of us needs to be treated? By the way, I'm waiting for an apology. But be that as it may, the main thing is the discussion. But in the comments to Igor Nevdashev's article, this is not, there is only a fan club of enthusiasts of this topic, who really have nothing to talk about and argue about. And why? There is no information, only empty rumors and gossip.
The problem of means of psychological influence, of course, exists, and the need to discuss it in society is growing literally every minute. Why?
1. Twenty years ago, no one in a nightmare could imagine that by creating their pages on the social networks "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte", "Twitter", etc., leaving comments, giving ratings, a person an electronic dossier will conduct itself. And then there's this Snowden. When we hear the argument that such a large amount of information cannot be processed, then you should know that this excuse is aimed at protecting the interests of the special services. It is not at all necessary to read everything, let the information be stored, it is necessary, they will buy and install more hardware, just when a question arises, they will know everything about you. And no one will report to you about the progress in clearing up the programs that process information.
2. The same twenty years ago, people respected the words that the press is the fourth estate. Now, even the media themselves do not like to remember this. The pretense snag flew off, revealing the well-oiled mechanism of information wars, the effectiveness of which has been proven by more than one Orange Revolution. The issue of public control over the media is on the agenda, and the legislative initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in 2013 to carry out certification of workers in creative professions was the first tentative and timid step in this direction.
3. Literally until recently, the only really working device for a person was a polygraph, a lie detector, all other testing systems were frankly worthless, honestly, it was even a sin to put their results in statistics. Online games, yes, they were the ones who eliminated this shortcoming. Computer technology, summing up all of the above, is an unconditional breakthrough.
4. Political technologists and the advertising industry have not stood still for all these years. And one more thing: psychological weapons, unlike other types of weapons used in conflicts of our biological species (and not only), are an absolute weapon. Because it combines both the means and the end - power. Zombies, split consciousness - this is all for Halloween, not serious. The real work is done when entire states and peoples are serving themselves on a silver platter.
And besides this, there is also criminality and an endless ocean of everyday life, when neighbors, relatives, colleagues, bystanders sort things out among themselves and try to achieve certain goals.
Psychological weapons are as old as the world.
In order for the steel scrap to become a weapon, it needs to be given a certain kinetic energy (speed) and the right direction. This is the so-called physical principle. Consideration of some of the principles of work of psychological weapons and is devoted to this material. We'll start with the problems of methodology.
Methodological problems
The main task of the means of psychological influence is to suppress the will of a person. Since the concept of will does not say anything to the overwhelming majority of people, we will give this concept in a simplified way: purposefulness in achieving YOUR goals. Suppression of the will is achieved both by belittling BELIEVE in this goal, and by completely changing the guidelines. In some cases, the neutralization of the object ends with the inculcation of ideas, programs of self-destruction. If you have neither faith nor goals, then a different scheme of MOTIVATION of the necessary actions will be applied to you. Can it be called creativity - when people are imposed on uncharacteristic values for them, and therefore desires? Do not know. Let's stop at this for now.
The fact is that if we continue to use the terminology and tools of ontology that have been developed to date (and the issues of ethics cannot be bypassed here), modern culture, psychology, philosophy, sociology, even theology, then we will not come to anything, we will get bogged down in a swamp. consisting of a confusion of definitions. The reason is the lack of mathematical principles, systems of measures, and hence the required accuracy in the tools of modern psychosophy (psychology + philosophy, "wisdom of the soul" sounds better and more accurate than "science of the soul" and "love of wisdom"). In 1687, in the "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", Isaac Newton formulated three laws of dynamics, on the basis of which he built all the provisions of classical mechanics, i.e. it was then that the foundations of fundamental physics were laid. I specially emphasized the title of Newton's book, because it speaks for itself. Psychosophy (psychology + philosophy) as the basis of ontology will only acquire a foundation when it systematically answers the question: what motivates a person? And it turns out that if we subtract the year 1687 from the current date (2014), then we will get a time gap between the level of development of the sciences about the external world and the level of development of the sciences studying the human cosmos by more than three hundred years. This is the imbalance in the structure of our civilization between technical development and the spiritual perception of the world, about which many thinkers spoke. So, in addition to the conspiracy theory of the absence (concealment) of systemic information on the means of psychological influence in the media space, there is also a more objective one - the failure of modern science.
Number and soul? I can't believe it. But the inevitable cannot be stopped.
Ethnologist Stanislav Mikhailovsky says: “Ethnographers who worked in Siberia at the beginning of the twentieth century, studying the intellectual level of development of the aborigines, give the following example: when they asked the natives a problem like“All people in Africa are black. Baramba lives in Africa. What color is his skin? ", The invariable answer was:" We did not see him, how do we know?"
Jokes about the Chukchi immediately come to mind. However, they are not more stupid than we are. By nature, our brain is designed primarily to work with large amounts of information. We need a lot of effort to operate with simplified categories of formal logic, the entire education system is aimed at this. The fact that in physics and chemistry we managed to advance quite far, we primarily owe an ordinary ruler and weights, but we failed to create a system of measuring instruments for the human psyche. Test yourself. In 1985, a brochure-textbook "Ethics and Psychology of Family Life" appeared in the upper grades of secondary schools in the USSR, where, among other things, there was a small paragraph about hypnosis. There they talked about very interesting facts: a hypnotist can cause jaundice (hepatitis) in an instilled person or, by touching his skin with a cold metal bar, a burn. That is, in the Soviet scientific literature, Soviet scientists materialists de facto confirmed the existence of the evil eye (accidental reaction) and damage (as deliberate harm to another person).
When I tell this to educated but conservative people, they usually say, “No. It cannot be, because it cannot be. But what do you think? Unlike other parapsychological hoaxes, it is hypnosis that is recognized by the official science due to the traceability of the phenomenon and the possibility of obtaining the same results with repeated experiments. Even if the guys got excited about jaundice and burns, the very fact of intervention in the psyche of another person is quite eloquent. There are quite a few certified, very successful and respected psychotherapists in the world who know the art of suggestion, and since it is possible to treat, so it is possible - what …? The eye and corruption exist, it is a fact.
In this regard, the question arises: since suggestion and its kind of hypnosis exist as a completely real-life example of a psychological weapon, I would like to know how it works, how to recognize it and defend against it? Someone should study the physics of this process? Or, again, everything was limited to a couple of other boring manuals, studying which self-respecting professionals are once again convinced that there is nothing better than life experience?
Official science, alas, is busy with other issues. A series of experiments carried out by one of the founders of the American Center for Evolutionary Psychology, Leda Cosmides, found that our brain works best with examples where one of the characters is trying to deceive someone. “For a person as a social being, the ability, on the one hand, to lie, and on the other, to recognize someone else’s deception is one of the central ones,” says Viktor Znakov. Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Primary Source:
God, what a "thoughtful" remark! However, it is not at all necessary to be the founder of the American Center for Evolutionary Psychology or Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences to say that lying is the most accessible of the numerous arsenal of psychological weapons and therefore the most widespread.
I'll say for them. The basis of social relations, and hence the driving force of historical processes, ideology and economics, is intraspecific competition. Her Majesty IN-SPECIFIC COMPETITION! It is not good and not bad, it just is, and in the image of the classical mechanics of Newton is one of the all-pervading, defining laws of human development, one of the forces that move us. In our eyes, it can look both bad and good, however, the clarification of people's relations with each other, the use of means of psychological influence (weapons) in it is only one of the particulars. And also, only one section in the psychological weapon will be a set of tools for working with human perception. So a lie, excuse the tautology, is a particular, a particular. An affordable, ineffective tool, from which there is more harm than good, even for someone who thinks he knows how to use it.
This chapter was needed in order to draw your attention to the fact that the topic is a blank slate, not bound by any canons and authorities, which means that I can choose a style of presentation that is understandable to as many readers as possible.
Examples of the combat use of means of psychological influence
Let us turn to the details of the meeting with the sheikhs of the Sufi orders (tarikats) of Naqshbandiyya and Qadiriyya, given by Igor Nevdashev in the material "Polygraph in Afghani". “The meeting after mutual greetings began with a strange request from the Afghan side to each of us to tie a simple napkin knot on seven spoons. Then, after spreading our napkin-tied spoons and covering them with towels, the Afghans said prayers and pulled off the towels. My partner had a knot untied on one spoon, mine - on five. As a result of this test, the Afghans refused to negotiate with my friend, and I was told that they were ready to openly discuss all issues. Moreover, they added that if a knot were untied on one more spoon of mine, they, in spite of another religion, would invite me to become their judge. At the same time, they emphasized that “the main thing is the purity of the Heart,” but they will teach the rest”.
Of course, napkins and prayers have nothing to do with it, since people were the subject of development and obtaining valuable information, then naturally it is better to turn to the original source, the person. Indeed, something, and psychologists can be proud of how they learned to read facial expressions, body and body language, all this seems to be copied from the instructions drawn up somewhere in Langley, and then through training camps near Peshawar in the 80s that migrated to Sufi orders.
Why was all this performance necessary? First of all, to have time to study the personalities of the negotiators. The whole action from the very beginning, not just the manipulation of napkins, was a test. Let's start listing them - it was studied, it was determined:
- the suggestibility of the parties to the negotiations, will they succumb to various persuasions, in this case, to the procedure of tying knots on napkins;
- the possibility of diktat when one of the negotiators was removed;
- the quality of the cohesion of the negotiators of the opposing side was immediately tested;
- checking the reaction to flattery;
- checking the reaction to exaggeration, I very much doubt that the Sufi orders once had judges of a different religion or, in general, judges not of their own, in any case this is easily verified.
Finally, using the effect of novelty and nonsense, people were pulled out of service psychological cocoons that hide true emotions. This information is important for negotiators, as for a football goalkeeper the feeling of a goal frame behind his back. But where is the age-old wisdom of the Sufis here? Our Russian negotiation tradition is naked in the bath (!!!) and with good drinks and snacks is much more productive.
I emphasize that in this situation, the means of psychological influence were used exclusively for probing and receiving information, nothing more.
Consider the topic of nonsense, when your life depends on it. The story was told by a wonderful person and an excellent film and circus artist, a former front-line soldier Yuri Nikulin. “It happened during the Great Patriotic War, one night on the road, two reconnaissance groups, ours and the German one, collided head to head. Everyone instantly got their bearings and lay down on different sides of the road, all except for one fat, funny, absurd German, who rushed from side to side for a while, and then rushed towards our scouts. Ours did not find anything better than to take his hands by the legs and throw him to our own. As he flew, he farted very loudly, which caused a burst of wild, nervous laughter from both sides. When silence fell, and ours and the Germans, silently, went their separate ways - no one began to shoot."
This story was told by Yuri Nikulin on central television, so if there are inaccuracies in my presentation, claims are accepted. But its essence, in any case, remains unchanged in the form of a scheme: NONSURRENCY - NOBODY STARTED FIRING. The secret here is that, despite the courage and skill, few of the participants in this situation want to be under the pressure of danger, and when, under conditions of high nervous tension, something breaks out of the logic of events, this can completely disable the fighting reflexes of a fairly large group of people … It turns out that by working with human perception, you can literally turn off the situation, like a switch. This gives us a clue to understanding the following events.
Facts. Chistyakov Ivan Mikhailovich (commander of the 21st army at Stalingrad), a book of memoirs "Serving the Fatherland", publication: Moscow, Military Publishing, 1985. Posted on the website: https://militera.lib.ru/memo/russian/chistyakov_im/index. html, chapter "If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed."
The final stage of the battle for Stalingrad is underway. Soviet soldiers and officers caught the courage of the victors, but the enemy fiercely resists. Let's give the floor to an eyewitness. “The main blow on January 22 was to be delivered by the 21st Army in the direction of Gumrak, the village of Krasny Oktyabr. The fire intensity of artillery strikes can be judged by the fact that … on the main axis of the 21st Army, there were two hundred or more barrels. It would seem that with such a powerful blow, the enemy should lay down his arms, but he continued to resist fiercely, in places even going into counterattacks. We were often surprised then, it seems that the Nazis had nothing to count on, but they continued to fight fiercely.
During interrogations, the captured soldiers and officers said that they were afraid of revenge for their crimes, not counting on mercy, they fought like suicide bombers."
And here…
“In the midst of the battle, K. K. Rokossovsky (the commander of the Don Front at that time), who was watching the advance of the 293rd Infantry Division commanded by General P. F. Lagutin called me over:
- Ivan Mikhailovich, look what's going on there!
I looked into the stereo tube and froze. What? Ahead of the advancing chains is the kitchen! Steam is coming down with might and main!
I called Lagutin.
- Listen, old man, what's going on there? They're going to swing the kitchen right now, leave everyone hungry! Why is she gasping ahead of the troops?
The following answer followed:
- Comrade commander, the enemy will not hit the kitchen. According to intelligence reports, they have not eaten anything there for three days!
I conveyed Lagutin's answer, and we all began to watch this, a spectacle that none of us had seen before.
The kitchen will drive off a hundred meters, the chains will rise - and behind it! The kitchen will add a step, and the warriors will follow. NO SHOOTING! We see that the kitchen enters the farm occupied by the Germans, the soldiers are behind it. Then Lagutin reported to us that the enemy immediately surrendered. They lined up the prisoners in a column one by one - and fed them. Thus, WITHOUT A SINGLE SHOT, this farm was taken."
Each of us probably knows an example of a lucky man who easily succeeds where very clever people get bumps. However, it only seems that everything is simple. I suggest that those who do not know the famous episode with the battle scene from the film of the Vasiliev brothers "Chapaev" recall or watch, Kappel also had his own ideas about a psychic attack, but it all ended badly. The secret of the success of the divisional commander of the 293rd rifle division Lagutin P. F. in a thorough knowledge of the situation and the psychological state of the enemy. From this knowledge came the necessary, albeit intuitive, solution. I must say a MASTER DECISION, without any exaggeration, with a truly Russian chic! General Lagutin's attack is a standard of psycho-influence, taking into account the minimum amount of resources spent, time for preparing and conducting an operation, using a directional effect of absurdity and obtaining a given result.
The surprises from 21 armies do not end there.
“The 120th Rifle Division was commanded by Colonel K. K. Jahua, a very energetic man. The division was tasked with intercepting the Gumrak-Stalingrad railway. The offensive, as I said, in general, went well, we saw how the 51st and 52nd Guards and 277th divisions were advancing, but for some reason the 120th did not advance.
Rokossovsky asks:
- Push the 120th division!
I call Jahua by phone:
- Why don't you attack ?!
- Comrade Commander, I will be advancing soon.
Suddenly Chief of Staff Pevkovsky says:
- Ivan Mikhailovich, look what the 120th division is doing!
My heart jumped. Probably running … They were two or three kilometers from the NP. The terrain is flat, the weather is clear, and you can see everything perfectly without a stereo tube. I looked and I don't believe myself - a wagon train is moving at full speed straight from the forest to the battle formations of the Germans! I shout into Jahua's phone:
- What are you doing there disgrace?
Rokossovsky asks:
- Who are you covering up like that?
- Look what it does!
Rokossovsky looked into the stereo tube.
- Is he drunk? Look, look, the Germans are running! And the baggage train behind them!
I shout to him again:
- What are you doing?
- I'm making a breakthrough.
When the Germans were then interrogated, he asked:
- Why did you run away from the convoy?
They have replyed:
- And we thought we were surrounded, since the train goes …"
In the case of Colonel Jahua, one can feel our bitter memory of the 1941 retreats.
Needless to say, these are dozens of soldiers' lives saved?
War chronicles, essays, memoirs contain placers of the intuitive use of psychological weapons. The same Ivan Chistyakov has several more episodes in the book "Serving the Fatherland", so in 1945. he landed on an airplane in Yanzi in the location of the Japanese troops, reconnaissance was wrong, he had to bluff, and he captured the commander of the 3rd Japanese army, Lieutenant General Murakami, and everything could have ended oh, how unpleasant.
As an illustration to your material. Somewhere on the ruins of the Internet, I found a story about the KV-1 with a photograph and tried to attach it here. Here is its content: “The power of our technology! Our KV-1 tank stopped due to a malfunction in the engine in the neutral lane. The Germans knocked on the armor for a long time, offered the crew to surrender, but the crew did not agree. Then the Germans hooked up the KV-1 tank with their two light tanks in order to drag our tank back to their location and open it there without hindrance. The calculation turned out to be not entirely correct. When they started towing, our tank started up and took the German tanks to our location! The German tankers were forced to abandon their tanks, and the KV-1 brought two tanks to ours."
You never know what happens in the world, but the following commentary made by Alexei Bykov makes this story especially funny: “What problems? There, I suppose, our people were sitting, and one of them said: "Do you want to laugh?"
Portrait of a modern terrorist
Once I had the pleasure of watching a psychic at work. Her name was Nadezhda Fedorovna. If someone starts to frown at the word "psychic", then I ask you, do not rush to draw conclusions.
A fairly standard situation, a young man of about 28 years old came to the reception, who has neither a career nor a personal life. And now an experienced fifty-year-old woman proceeded to the sacred service, using old fortune-telling cards, a crystal ball and a pyramid. But, as I already said, all this entourage is only for diverting attention, when the primary source itself is being studied - the person. The same fingers and hands can tell a lot. The very first question she asked:
- You don't work for the police?
- No no. Why exactly?
“You have a red ID showing through the fabric in your shirt pocket.
The young man answered questions directly, was laconic. But I will not take your time, I will highlight three key points in their conversation and her work, namely the words.
1. - Well, what did you want? You are an empty place! You're a donut hole!
2. - For the next session, bring some sweets, better caramel and mineral water. I will charge them, this water, and only you will have to drink and eat these candies. Once again I stipulate: only you!
3. She took a square piece of paper for notes, drew some squiggles there, folded and glued it many times. And she said: “These are antennas, I will keep in touch with you through them. Don't give it to anyone."
The rest could be added to taste, like spices, as far as imagination allows, so at the end she said that it would be interesting to work with a young man, since he has a powerful will-factor.
Now let's decipher these signs. Nadezhda Fedorovna gave the recipient three vaccinations to start the self-hypnosis process.
1. Vaccination of aggression. Yes, for this, the words about the donut hole were said to make you angry.
2. Inoculation of selfishness. To hide, and then eat and drink alone, apparently, this is where it all begins.
3. And the pieces of paper with painted antennas, what do you think they are? The inoculation of faith.
Excellent. Here is one of the treatment schemes for losers: AGGRESSION - SELFISM - FAITH. All three components should be taken together. In the process of shaking and self-healing - and you should have no more than two or three visits to a psychic, if more, he stupidly cheats you for money - faith in himself returns to the person and the balance of relationships with others is leveled.
Doesn't it look like anything? Aggression and faith so often make us see this, and somewhere there is also selfishness. More and more often lately, looking at news stories, I catch myself thinking that this medicine can also be crippled. It all depends on the dose and the doctor.
All existing religious confessions in their rituals, systems of belief, work with people use the means of psychological influence. Otherwise, they would not have survived to our time. Unfortunately, this has both positive and negative consequences. Modern attempts to reform the Christian faith, especially noticeable in Catholicism, are an attempt to get rid of this negativity. But how can this be done if weapons and the church are literally intertwined, starting with the lines of scripture? There is no required understanding of the problem either.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven", here it is, this formula, in all its glory. About twenty years ago, it was repeated to the place and out of place, and now they are trying to retouch and hide it away. Even the Wikipedia article “On Deadly Sins” was rewritten twice in 2013, making the material less informative and more boring. However, no matter how varnished, humiliation as a mortal sin is unlikely to appear on this list. It is also the main tool for suppressing the will, for the reproduction of losers, or excuse me, for Lev Gumilyov's passionaries. I've tried to post my article on one of the religious sites (if you're interested, my page on Prose.ru: https://www.proza.ru/avtor/kaztranscom), so his admin tortured me with a question: what primary sources did I use? The problem of translating sacred texts again faced the Christian Church - to meet the challenges of the present.
Would you like to continue writing on this topic? You understand that it may not end well. Religious consciousness still occupies a very large place in our world.
A person's will can be suppressed by a sense of guilt, constant exaggeration of the topic of human imperfection with the holding of material demonstrative events, but at least by setting unbearable tasks to him: "If your faith were so strong, the mountains would move." And the mountains don't move! Understatement of the value of human life with the marginal overstatement of the value of ideological assets. Ashes to ashes. All kinds of prohibitions, isolation from any extraneous information. For spiritual self-improvement, this can be a very rewarding experience, suppression of pride and the call of the flesh. But in a practical sense, bad people can also take advantage of this, since this is just a mechanic, and they immediately have a rich choice of semi-finished products (in their opinion), because not everyone can become a suicide bomber.
Once the philosopher Carlos Castaneda (so great that he would not go far away) said that the ideal soldier is one who has already killed himself mentally before the battle. Something similar happens during the final assembly of the personality of a suicide bomber, when in the mind of a recipient person literally an ideological larva, an illusory parasite, matures. That is, a person no longer serves himself, he is only a carrier of this parasite. He cherishes him most of all, he is dearer to him than life, despite the fact that it contains only psycho-emotional codes of his literal physical pain and suffering, the parasite has been nurtured on them. An attempt to touch this mine inside him, to speak to it always causes an unpredictable reaction of the host's fury.
I hope I have succeeded in trying to show the topic of psychological influence from a side unexpected for many. Usually in the tabloid press they are more trying to intimidate the townsfolk with such things, namely with chips implanted in their brains, splitting consciousness, zombies and other things, like “don't get involved in this”. I tried to interest them more. Unfortunately, it turned out awkward. There is a lot of material, moreover, that I have accumulated, and it is impossible to present it in the volume of one article, it is necessary to write a book, so I ask interested publishers to contact me.