The dead don't lie

The dead don't lie
The dead don't lie

Based on the "specifics" of the contents of the investigation file, a hypothetical assumption was made in the previous article that all the tourists were killed by high-speed miniature bullets. This is not a fantasy, such bullets really exist, but practically nothing is known about them. Accordingly, there is no information about the peculiarities of the destruction of victims by such bullets; this can only be discussed using the method of analogies.

Their closest analogue is rifle bullets with a speed of 900-1100 m / sec., The specific effects of such bullets are well known. The main damaging factor of high-speed rifle bullets is “water hammer”, while mechanical damage to the body by such bullets is insignificant. It is natural to assume that with an increase in the bullet velocity and a decrease in its mass, these two effects - "water hammer" and a decrease in mechanical damage, will manifest themselves even more clearly. Consequently, the absence of visible injuries on the body and death from "water hammer" are the main signs of the use of such high-speed miniature bullets.

In modern science, for example, in physics, for a long time, the object of research does not need to be presented, which is called "alive". A typical example is the "Higgs boson", which physicists have been looking for for decades, spending billions of dollars on the search. But scientists do not even hope to find the boson itself; it is considered quite sufficient to reveal traces of its decay. Likewise, in the case of events at the pass, we will try to reconstruct the weapon according to the characteristic traces of its use.

But there is one small "BUT", it is necessary to prove that the recorded traces are not an accident, and therefore they conduct a series of experiments in which the traces of the object should be repeated.

In our case, the weapon was used many times, in different places, at different times, nine people died from its impact, this is just the series of similar events we need, so even dead tourists will help us figure out what and how they were killed

People who find themselves in extreme situations like the events that happened at the Dyatlov pass in most cases survive. After that, they tell incredible stories about what happened to them, but they do not believe them, and these stories are gradually forgotten. The human mind is designed in such a way that it rejects facts that fall out of ordinary circumstances, it is easier for it to declare a person insane than to believe in the unobvious.

With Dyatlov's group, everything happened differently, they all died, and the dead do not lie, the dead can be trusted, you just need to understand what they testify to.

Zolotarev - Kolevatov

Again the body of Zolotarev and the body of Kolevatov found in the immediate vicinity of him. In the photo, they are already after their bodies were pulled out of the stream bed, but the poses in which they died were preserved due to rigor mortis.

The dead don't lie
The dead don't lie

The poses are strange, Zolotarev is in an active, dynamic, but in a very unusual position, Kolevatov is in a relaxed position that does not imply activity at the time of death. But here is another photo of Zolotarev, explaining the situation in which the death of him and Kolevatov found:


At the time of death, Zolotarev was in the pose of a man carrying a heavy load on his shoulder and holding it with his right hand.

According to the recollections of the search engines, Kolevatov's body was practically in a "stuck" state with the body of Zolotarev, and behind him, this was the load that he was holding on his shoulder.

Here is a photo of the bodies in the stream confirming this:


Thibault lies first on his back, behind him on his right side lies Zolotarev, behind him, head to head, the body of Kolevatov.

Zolotarev, whose ribs are broken and at the same time there is not even a bruise on his skin, remained exactly in the position in which death found him.

Based on these images, it can be argued that Zolotarev died instantly, without agonal movements. Death found him at the time of transfer on the shoulder of the already immobilized, but still alive Kolevatov.

And one more feature, Zolotarev has injuries to the right side of the chest, and he lies exactly on his right side. The blow to the ribs not only did not throw him back, but also filled him towards the blow.

The third feature in the locality of the blow is that Kolevatov, who is on Zolotarev's shoulder, did not receive any damage. It turns out that the impact that broke the ribs was localized in a very small spatial area.

Thibault - Dubinina

Here are their bodies after being removed from the stream, posthumous postures were preserved due to rigor mortis:


Again, very characteristic poses. Thibault at the last moment of his life, judging by the position of his legs, was making a trail in deep snow for the heavily loaded Zolotarev, who followed him in a trail. This is more than likely, since they were leaving the deck along the stream bed, clogged with snow, Thibault also received a blow from the right, only in the head, the bones of the skull on the right were broken.

And again, after a blow that broke the bones of the skull, the person dies without agonal movements, which is called "falling dead", and again the body falls towards the blow received from the right.

The posthumous pose of Kolmogorova is no less characteristic, a snapshot of her body at the place of discovery has already been given, here it is again:


Immediately about the damage, almost all the ribs are broken in front and again, as in the cases of Zolotarev and Thibault, the skin over the broken bones is not damaged.

And again the body falls to meet the impact, on the right bank of the stream, again the body falls "dead", without agonal movements. The legs of Dubinina's body are brought together, which means that at the moment of death she stood motionless, her arms were raised, apparently she stopped at the moment of death, turned to meet death, and her raised arms are the last instinctive attempt to protect herself from the inevitable.

A person instinctively closes the line of the eye with his hands - danger, therefore, since her hands are raised so high, death came to her from the right and from above.

It can be argued that the weapon was used from the right high bank of the stream, all bodies are damaged from this direction.

So, three bodies with injuries have the same signs of a murder weapon used against them, these are: instant death, collapse to meet the blow, the absence of external damage. The fourth body was without obvious damage, but this tourist was no longer able to move and was carried on his shoulder by Zolotarev, so the weapon was not used a second time on it.


The bodies of the two tourists found near the fire are less informative, they were already dead were moved by their still living comrades. But still there is something to think about, one body fell into a burning fire at the time of death and was burned in the area of the left shin.

So at the moment of death, he collapsed into the fire and no longer moved, again a sign of instant death. The second tourist who died near the fire did not come to his aid, which means he either died earlier or they both died at the same time.

Most likely they died at the same time. On the second body there is also a sign of getting into the fire, his hair was burnt and the searchers found a half-burnt comforter near the fire, apparently from his head. So, taking into account the breaking of the branches on the cedar, it can be assumed that the people found near the cedar died at the same time and were at the time of death on the cedar. The weapons used against them not only killed them, but also broke the branches of the cedar (bodies were found on top of these broken branches).

There is one peculiarity of injuries on the bodies of tourists who died near the cedar, no significant fatal injuries were found on them, there are only minor superficial injuries to the skin, even under clothes. Here's what they looked like:


There are even more such injuries such as abrasions and scratches in the three tourists who died on the mountainside, where these injuries correspond to the place of death - the further a person goes, the more completely incomprehensible injuries on the skin are on him. Of course, we can assume that these are injuries from falls on a hard crust - they fell and peeled off the skin, but judging by the localization of these injuries, people do not fall into the snow this way.

The reason for the scratches and abrasions on the skin of the tourists was not falling into the snow. We will not guess what it was for now, but visually, the nature of superficial injuries on the bodies of tourists is almost identical to the picture of damage from secondary fragments, for example, when bullets knock crumbs out of stones and these fragments cut the skin.

Dyatlov - Slobodin - Kolmogorova

Pictures of the bodies of Dyatlov and Slobodin at the place of discovery are publicly available, there is no picture of Kolmogorova's body at the place of discovery, although in the investigation case, according to the inventory, this picture should be. So, in detail, we can only talk about two victims. All three walked towards danger, towards what made them leave the tent, they walked towards what was killing them, and they all fell forward, dying, towards the fatal blow, as in the case of tourists in the stream bed.

Here is Dyatlov's body, as the search engines found it:


The body is leaned against the bush, it can be seen that it was turned over after death, when it was already completely frozen, otherwise the left arm of which the body rests on a branch would have been pressed to the chest and would have been raised higher.

Judging by the bends of the body, at the time of death, Dyatlov was kneeling in deep snow, and then fell forward, crushing the snow under him. Again, this pose does not imply any agonal movements, the person fell into the snow and did not move any more. The position of the hands is almost inexplicable, the only thing that can be assumed is that the person protected his eyes, and during the fall into the snow, the forearms dropped slightly and the elbows remained in the same position.

A more informative photograph of Slobodin's body:


Everything is obvious here, the left leg is pressed into the snow, the right one is practically in the same plane with the body, this man was walking in deep snow. The left supporting leg, deeply pushed the snow, the right pushing the snow moved forward, at that moment the person fell forward and did not move any more. But he did not die, the investigation recorded ice under the body, this happens if a warm body is in the same position for a long time.

Therefore, it can be argued that the tourist was injured, lost the ability to move, but still lived for at least an hour.

Apparently they finished him off later, with a shot in the head, only "porridge" remained from the brain, here is an excerpt from the SudMedExpertiza protocol:

The dura mater contained up to 75 cm3 of bloody fluid, the pia mater was turbid, red-greenish in color. The substance of the brain is a shapeless mass of greenish-red color with indistinguishable outlines of the ventricles of the brain, as well as gray and white matter. In the area of the upper edge of the left pyramid, there is a hemorrhage area under the bone plate 0.3 x 0.4 cm in size. The bones of the skull base are intact.

A snapshot of Kolmogorova's body was still found on the ground, here it is:


And this is already the body in the morgue, the face is literally all cut, and symmetrically, and the body lay at the place of detection on the right side, therefore, Kolmogorova received facial injuries before falling into the snow.


The "walking" position of the legs and body, the straightened shoulders, the arms bent at the elbows do not suggest anything else - at the moment of death she was moving up the slope. Falling, she even instinctively did not stretch her arms forward, any person does this, even being in an unconscious state.

The blow pushed her forward, she fell on her right side, where, according to the forensic medical examination act, she was found to have a “bruise” measuring 30 by 6 centimeters passing from the right side to her stomach. So again the man fell "dead", again to meet the blow.

Dubinina's face and hands suffered more than the rest of those killed on the mountainside, there are practically no intact areas on her face, everything is covered in abrasions and scratches. This is not damage to the snow crust; in this case, the location and form of damage would be different.

It can be assumed that this is the effect of the passage of high-speed bullets in the immediate vicinity of the human body, apparently warning shots over the head. Pyrophoric substances used in high-speed bullets to reduce friction against the air (used for example in bullets for "Ascoria") during combustion may well cause such a picture of damage.

But again, this is only a hypothesis, here you can be wrong.

It is believed that three tourists on the slope simply froze, but Slobodin had an intravital fracture of the skull, again without damaging the skin, and Kolmogorova had a girdle bruise in the lumbar region measuring 30 by 6 centimeters, in other words, she got “in the kidneys”. Only Dyatlov's body was described by the forensic scientist as having no injuries.

The conclusion about the cause of death of these tourists indicated "death from hypothermia", but this is a dubious conclusion, the postures do not imply such a cause of death, tourists have lost the ability to move during active activities, they did not have a phase of inhibition of activity and falling asleep.

After they fell into the snow, none of them moved, so they do not freeze

All nine tourists are characterized by an instant loss of the ability to move the body, even agonically, all of them are what is called "fell dead." This is a very characteristic sign of being hit by a high velocity bullet. These bullets pierce the body with minimal visual damage. Death occurs not from injuries and blood loss, they may not even be, but from the so-called "water hammer" that completely and instantly destroys the nervous system, which makes muscles unable to contract. Apparently this is what happened to the tourists.

While it sounds like a fantasy, but the Internet is full of videos with visualization of "water hammer" on the example of the passage of high-speed bullets through gelatinous blocks with a density equivalent to a human body, look if you do not believe …

All the bullets could not hit the target, especially considering the assumption of warning shots. There should have been traces of the use of these bullets on the ground, and they are, the already mentioned breaking of branches on the cedar:


The places of the broken branches found under the cedar were marked, the break itself was at a height of 3-5 meters from the surface.

And here is a photo from the materials of the investigation with a caption about the traces of the departure of tourists down the slope:


These are clearly not human or animal footprints. They begin and end on a flat crust surface, and their elongation across, and not along the route. Breaks in the crust can be approximately estimated at 20-30 centimeters in diameter, and the beveled contours indicate that the "bullets" hit the crust at an acute angle.

Apparently these are traces of warning shots hitting the snow, which were driven down the slope of tourists.

Is this the only explanation for the death of nine tourists? Probably not, you can put forward other versions.

Now we can confidently say only "from the opposite", - If tourists were killed with such high-speed miniature bullets, then the picture of their deaths would completely fit into the available facts and would not contradict them.

So far, only a small part of the factual material at our disposal has been considered, concerning only the bodies of the dead tourists themselves. But there are much more facts, in order to test the hypothesis of the use of high-speed miniature bullets, it is necessary to reconstruct the events and see how it fits into the overall picture of what happened.

This will be the topic of the next, fourth part of the cycle.

And in conclusion, let us summarize the obvious result, in 1959 neither the USSR nor the United States had samples of such high-speed kinetic weapons, they appeared later. Unknown to us was directly involved in the incident at the Dyatlov pass " THIRD FORCE", Possessing at that time a much higher technological level.
