Secret investigation
People who are familiar with the topic of the Dyatlov Pass do not need to be convinced that the events there are mysterious and, after more than fifty years, practically defy investigation. The materials of the investigation, laid out in full in the public domain, cannot help anything, moreover, even a superficial acquaintance with these materials raises a lot of questions and further confuses the search for truth.
Matching the events at the pass, the investigation is also full of mysteries. These man-made riddles were asked to us by specific people, investigators, it seems that they knew much more than is reflected in the materials of the investigation. To prove this, we will look for additional indirect data about the events at the pass from the very process of the investigation and the memories of eyewitnesses.
Not only the factual materials are eloquent, but also the way they are presented in the official document. No less important is not the presence of a document, but its absence; a lot can also clarify the discrepancies in the documents. So let's try from this point of view to understand what is being hidden from us. This is not an idle interest, in the context of events, a veil of secrecy, the actual circumstances of the events at the Dyatlov pass are hidden.
Retouching or annotations?
In the materials of the investigation there are photographs with obvious traces of retouching, these are not random "blots", they have a clear logic, here is an illustrative example, two photographs from the materials of the investigation, they show Slobodin's body at the place of discovery from different angles:

The body shots show a black rectangle in the lumbar region, in both photos in the same place. That we will not guess, we simply state the fact that the investigation materials contain photographs with hidden areas on the clothes.
This is not the only example, there are photos with more mysterious retouching, here are two photos of Dubinina's body, the photos are apparently taken from the same negative, but they are different, see for yourself:

In the body image, in the lumbar region, there is a dark spot, this spot is reflected in the materials of the investigation, in the protocol of the body examination it is indicated that the injury on the back was produced by the probe of the search engine. So the stain on the picture is not an accidental defect.
And here is the second shot from the same negative:

In this picture from the same negative, there is no damage to the back.
In the case of Slobodin's body, we do not know what is hidden under the retouch, in the case of Dubinina's body, it is known for sure that there was damage in this place (recorded in the protocol of finding the bodies).
As a hypothesis, knowing the specific attitude of the investigator to the investigation of the events at the pass, it can be assumed that in these retouched areas the investigator did not hide, but, on the contrary, drew attention to places on the bodies that could help to understand real events.
It is possible that the photographs of the bodies of Slobodin and Dubinina were deliberately not retouched, these are marks of places to which the investigator had increased attention, he marked them in such a way, which is called for "his own use."
However, it is not the motive for the appearance of the spots that is important, but the fact that under them there were areas requiring special attention when investigating what happened
Contradictory documents
The protocol of the examination of Dubinina's body at the scene of the incident, signed by Prosecutor Tempelov, has already been mentioned, here is an excerpt from it:
On the back of the head and back there are traces of damage by the probe from the words of Mr Askinadze V. M., who recognized Dubinina
So two injuries to Dubinina's body were recorded in the protocol drawn up at the scene, but in the act of the SudMedExpertise signed by the expert Vozrozhdenny, the injuries on the back and neck of the body were not indicated at all.
It turns out that the MedExpert Court did not see what the prosecutor and the witnesses who signed this protocol saw. Why he chose not to notice these injuries can be explained by only one thing, it would be necessary to describe them to indicate that the injury on the back is a very specific lifetime injury.
A bold statement, I do not argue, additional facts are needed to transfer it to the area of the proven circumstances of Dubinina's death, and they are.
There is another photograph of Dubinina's body, which also confirms the presence of damage on the back, not only of clothes, but also of the body itself, here it is, albeit of very poor quality:

In the picture, Dubinina's body after being removed from the stream and drawing up the examination protocol, it can be seen that the clothes are pulled up on the back in the area of damage and there, there is a dark spot on the skin. Apparently this is a bruise, but then this damage is lifetime, a bruise from the impact of the search probe cannot form on the body of a person who has been lying for four months.
Thibault's body lies nearby, look at the characteristic fold of the hand, a notebook was clutched in it, but more on that later.
In addition, regarding the damage to Dubinina's body, there is eyewitness testimony, the search engine (student Askinadzi) who discovered Dubinina's body claimed that he injured the body only in the neck area, here are his words:
…… These events took place before lunch, and after that I alone took the probe, and the others watched (not because they did not want to work, but agreed, just to make, as in geology, a test hole). It was then that I hit Luda's neck
So it can reasonably be argued that the injury on Dubinina's back was lifetime. But this is not enough to make the fact of the presence of a lifetime injury on the back secret information, several lifetime injuries incompatible with life were found on Dubinina's body, no one tried to hide them.
The only reason for the mystery in this particular case can only be the nature of the lifetime damage - either a knife (bayonet) channel or a bullet channel.
In this case, when the deliberate nature of Dubinina's death became obvious, it made sense to hide the fact of injury on the back
Missing document
In the materials of the investigation, there is no document describing the state of the last three bodies of tourists, in other words, the state of the three bodies was not recorded at the scene. This has already led to a lot of speculation about the camera and notebook found on the bodies of Zolotarev and Thibault.
First, about the notebook, from the words of the search engine Askinadzi, we know that a notebook and a pencil were found in the hands of a body with two clocks. At the time of extraction, this body was mistakenly identified as the body of Zolotarev, but on the basis of the act of the CourtMedExpertise, we know that two watches were on the hand of Nikolai Thibault. There is no reason to doubt the eyewitness of the events, so that the notebook was, only not with Zolotarev, but with Thibault.
You can see it in this picture, the place is highlighted:

It can be seen that a dark rectangular object is clamped in the palm of his right hand (only the edge is visible), apparently this is that notorious notebook.
Why they made a mistake in identifying the bodies at the scene is understandable, none of the search engines of the victims personally knew, the bodies were badly damaged and identification was made only on the basis of a verbal description.
The fate of this notebook is unknown, there is no official mention of it
You can talk about the fifth camera focusing on the photograph of the body taken out of the stream, on the chest you can see the camera or the leather case from the camera. Here's this snapshot:

But in the act of the SudMedExamination of Zolotarev's body, the presence of a protective mask is indicated at this place, it is impossible to confuse a cloth mask with a camera, the picture is quite clear.
There is practically no doubt about the existence of the fifth camera, it was. There is evidence of this in the materials of the investigation, the fact is that officially four cameras were found in the tent. A month after the completion of the investigation, the cameras and watches were handed over to the relatives of the victims, about which receipts were drawn up.
There are documents for the transfer of four cameras to the relatives of the deceased tourists, these are Kolevatov, Slobodin, Zolotarev, Dyatlov.
But it is reliably known that Nikolai Thibault had another camera; investigator Ivanov returned only the watch to his relatives, but he did not return the camera, arguing that it had strong radiation on it.
This receipt, Thibault's camera is not mentioned in it, only watches and photographs were transferred:

So it can be argued that Zolotarev was discovered with a camera belonging to Nikolai Thibault, the fate of this material evidence is unknown
Let me remind you once again that there are no documents on the examination of the last three bodies in the investigation materials, although according to the Criminal Procedure Code such a document is required, and it was, this is what the witness says:
….. We saw it in a state of extreme tension and nervousness. Moreover, we saw them for a very short time. They pulled me out of the stream, wrapped them in sleeping bag liners and special bags that the pilots had brought, quickly signed an act, and the corpses flew away
Consequently, after the removal of the last bodies, the protocol was signed, and this is not the document that was drawn up by Prosecutor Tempelov, since it indicated that the last three bodies had not yet been removed from the stream.
But this most important protocol of the examination of the last three bodies was not included in the investigation materials
Official forgery
And now let's see how the above reasoning is consistent with the official materials of the investigation, here is a selection of scans:

The first scan is a list of documents in the case, numbered 75 and 76 are different documents, apparently the second document numbered 76 is the "lost" protocol of the examination of the last bodies, but instead of it a handwritten version of the document numbered 75 is inserted into the case. comments are superfluous …
And one more discrepancy, here is the decision to discontinue the case, which the investigator Ivanov tried to "push through", with a mention of the radioactive contamination of things:

What remnants of Krivonischenko's trousers on Dubinina's leg are we talking about? What do we not know yet?
According to the act of the SudMedExpertise on the body of Dubinina, it was found:

And according to the protocol for examining the body at the place of discovery on Dubinina, there were:

So there are three versions at once, on Dubinina's leg there is a winding from Kolevaty's trousers, a piece of a jacket, a piece of a sweater.
And this is all in the materials of one investigation case on a single but very important circumstance…. And besides this, on the body of Dubinina, at the place of discovery, she has two socks on her left leg, the presence of a winding on her right leg is also indicated there.
And in the Forensic examination act, five socks and a winding on the left leg are indicated at once.
It is still possible to confuse the right foot with the left, but it is impossible to make a mistake with the number of socks, everyone can count to five. This means that after the body was taken out of the scene and before the official examination of the body by the forensic expert of the Reborn, the body at least undressed, but they put it back on incorrectly and confused the socks.
There is no record of this unknown undressing and dressing in the materials of the case.
Lost snapshot
There is one more lost document, and it is also very important, the fact is that in the materials of the investigation there are no pictures of only one body at the place of detection - the body of Kolmogorova. There was a snapshot, this is known from the protocol, here is an excerpt:
Blood on my face. There were abrasions on the back near the lower back, blood came out. It can be assumed that Kolmogorova, according to the location of the body, tried not to climb the mountain, but to keep in place. The corpse is photographed
Of all the bodies found on the side of the mountain, it is Kolmogorova's body that raises the most questions, because judging by the photograph of her body in the morgue, and the verbal description in the protocol, she died in a very characteristic pose, it is important to know how her body was located on the ground, this could clarify the cause of her death. The snapshot, which must be in the materials of the investigation, was "lost", but look, here is a snapshot from the archives of investigator Ivanov:

On the reverse side of the picture, there is an explanation that this is one of the bodies found on the slope, pictures of the bodies of Dyatlov and Slobodin on the ground are in the public domain, there is a completely different landscape. This means that Kolmogorova's body was retouched, there were no other bodies on the slope of height 1079.
Someone retouched the body, the original image itself is not publicly available, but it can be seen that the retouching was already done on the scanned image (it goes beyond the boundaries of the image) …
Apparently this is the snapshot of Kolmogorova's body, which is mentioned in the protocol, but instead of the investigation files, it ended up in the investigator's personal archive.
It turns out that even now someone is trying to "whitewash" this story, why and who needs it, where did the original photo go, why did the investigator treasure it so much?
Mysterious shots
There are two more photographs that must be in the case materials, but are in a private archive. The investigation refers to these pictures, justifying the time of setting up the tent on the slope of height 1079, so, according to the requirements of the Criminal Procedure Code, they must be attached to the case file.
But they are not there, the same story as with the picture of Kolmogorova's body, as a hypothesis it can be assumed that these pictures were printed from negatives in several copies, those that were in the investigation materials "disappeared", and those that were kept by the investigator Ivanov in our personal archive now we are studying.
Here are these mysterious pictures, they were taken with an interval of no more than 10-15 seconds, from the same point, it is believed that tourists use them to clear a place for a tent at the last night.

Immediately a test of wits, how many people can be counted in the pictures?
I counted seven people (marked with red markers); three are clearly distinguishable, two skis in the background have changed position during these 10-15 seconds, which means they are in the hands of two more people. A man's hand is visible resting on the snow near the backpack, and another hand with a clamped ski pole in the background.
In total, it turns out that seven people are clearing the slope, everything seems logical so far, seven men are doing hard work, two girls are standing aside and filming.
But then everything becomes incomprehensible, if you focus on the shadows, taking into account the time (evening), then this place should be located on the southwestern slope of the mountain.
But the tent was found on the northeastern slope!
Here is an excerpt from the minutes:
The place to stay for the night is on the North-Eastern slope of height 1079 in the headwaters of the Auspiya river. The place to stay for the night is located 300 meters from the top of the mountain 1079 under the slope of the mountain 30 °
So the place in the picture is not at all where the tent was found, besides, the deepening of the tent found by the search engines does not correspond to the hole that the tourists dug in the pictures, in it there is at least a meter of depth along the upper edge.
Even focusing only on these two pictures, we can say that the chronology of events was presented by the investigation completely incorrectly, there was at least one more overnight stay in the mountainous area, and it was the preparation for this overnight stay that was filmed in the pictures.
Most likely due to a discrepancy in the chronology, these photos were removed from the official materials of the investigation.
Unspoken control
We will not accuse investigator Ivanov of incompetence and the collapse of the case, quite the opposite, this man did everything he could to ensure that the events at the pass were not forgotten, we should be grateful to him for the fact that so much factual material has come down to us.
The investigator was “squeezed” by circumstances that significantly limited his capabilities and reduced his attempts to find the truth in the area of punishable amateur performance. Ivanov subsequently talked about the pressure from the party functionaries and the prosecutor's office.
Despite this, he managed to leave references to "glowing balls" in the investigation materials, conducted a radiological examination at the amateur level, tried to "push" information about radiation into the decision to close the investigation.
But there was, it seems, and one more secret control, which Ivanov never mentioned. This control "lit up" only once, the search engine Askinadzi speaks about the presence of absolutely strangers, silent and attentively observing the place of people at the examination procedure of the last bodies …
Only the influence of some unspoken force (KGB?) On the investigation can explain the contradictory behavior of the investigator, who, on the one hand, showed obvious diligence in clarifying all the circumstances of the case, and on the other hand, let’s say vaguely, showed “negligence” at the stage of finding the last four bodies.
There is only one explanation for Ivanov's changeable behavior, where he had the opportunity to work independently, he was what is called "digging" the ground, but where he was tightly controlled, he demonstratively became an "extra", and even an outsider noticed this.
So, Zolotarev's camera, a notebook in Thibault's hands, the protocols of the real state of bodies at the place of the advent, and probably much more fell into the hands of completely different people.
The witness will formulate the conclusion for me
The search engine Askinadzi describes the general mood of the investigation in the person of Prosecutor Tempelov and Investigator Ivanov, here are excerpts from his memoirs:
…… In my opinion, Ivanov did not come to the flooring. From afar he looked at the trees without tops and went to the corpses. By the way, I noticed that Ivanov did not record anything, did not photograph anything. It seems that he is not interested in this, and he knows in advance the cause of death and what will happen next.
And further:
…… Today it is already known that, for example, Ivanov was more confusing this case (not of his own free will) than he was investigating. I think that he was only a pawn, providing background information for more serious organizations. It was they who possessed complete information, including closed channels.
I have already spoken about the prosecutor. He did not record anything and did not photograph anything. All his conclusions are armchair inventions.
Therefore, there is no protocol for the examination of the last three bodies, the fate of the camera from the body of Zolotarev and the notebook from the hands of Nikolai Thibault is unknown.
At the same time, this explains the discrepancies in the protocols regarding the injuries on Dubinina's body, and the retouching and disappearance of photographs from the official files of the investigation.
Cause of death
Now we can speculate a little about these mysteries of the investigation. The investigator was attracted by certain areas on the bodies of Dubinina and Slobodin, two bodies with clothes damaged on their backs and an incomprehensible trauma to the body under this injury.
All this looks like a bullet outlet, but there is no inlet …., This does not happen, mystic, aliens …
And then there is Thibault's body with a notebook in his hand and a broken skull and at the same time undamaged skin over the place of the break, this does not happen, again a mystic, again aliens …
And these incomprehensible radioactive spots on the clothes of tourists are also mystic and again aliens …
Apparently because of these inexplicable facts, investigator Ivanov believed that the cause of the event at the pass was a UFO.
The investigation did not know about the existence of such "bullets":

These "bullets" have a diameter of one and a half millimeters and fly at a speed of 1400m / sec, they are not even arrows, but needles.
In the USSR, similar bullets were developed in 1960, there is even an inventor's certificate N 22527 with a priority of June 1, 1960. Here's what they looked like:

If such a needle enters the human body, the inlet will be practically indistinguishable, the outlet will become noticeable only if the needle is decelerated in the body, then it will lose stability and break into pieces.
Apparently, it was precisely such outlets that the investigators found on the bodies of Dubinina and Slobodin, but could not identify them with the types of small arms known at that time.
It is no secret that high-speed ammunition is made from uranium, so the radioactive spots found on the clothes of tourists have their own logical explanation.
Naturally, it was not these needles that were used, that in the photographs, in the events at the pass, a more advanced technology was used, but their principle of operation was exactly that - miniature dimensions, very high speed, uranium core
Even experts find it hard to believe that miniature needles weighing less than a gram can cause fatal injuries to a person. By habit, everyone associates the damaging factor of a bullet with mechanical damage to the body, but at speeds of more than 1400 m / s (the maximum speed of sound propagation in the human body), the shock wave inside the body becomes the main damaging factor, in fact, a person dies from a "shock" - concussion.
In this case, the geometric dimensions of the "bullet" are absolutely not important, it is important that the bullet moves in the body at a speed higher than the speed of sound propagation.
Such a shock wave inside the body is capable of breaking bones and, oddly enough it sounds, stop a wristwatch …
And one more feature of this needle, no matter where it hits, even a finger, a person will still receive a fatal contusion, the fact is that in liquid and solid bodies, the shock wave is transmitted practically without weakening to the entire volume of the body.
This is physics, as they say, "nothing personal" …
But while the assumption of the use of a high-speed miniature bullet is only a hypothesis, to confirm this statement, it is necessary to understand in more detail the circumstances of the death of each tourist, the next material of this series of articles will be devoted to this.