The Nazis' plans included a complete solution of the "Russian question". So, in the instructions for the soldiers of the Wehrmacht "Military training in the troops" it was said: "For your personal glory, you must kill exactly 100 Russians … Destroy pity and compassion in yourself, kill every Russian; do not stop - the old man is in front of you, a woman, a girl or a boy. Kill! … ". This instruction is not for punitive forces, not for the SS troops, but for ordinary soldiers.

Remains of Soviet citizens shot by the Germans, 1944
The war in the East was built on different principles than in the West, in France and Denmark they were ordered to behave "tolerantly" towards the locals. In the East, Wehrmacht soldiers were officially released from responsibility for any crimes against the population, including the most cruel ones (such as murder and rape). Russians were included in the "subhuman" category.
According to G. Himmler, Soviet people are "180 million people, a mixture of races and peoples, whose names are unpronounceable and whose physical essence is such that the only thing that can be done with them is to shoot them without any pity or mercy." The myth of the liberation of Russia from the oppression of the "Jewish Bolsheviks and the commissars" was invented solely to fool the occupied population, so that they would less resist, and for all kinds of "Vlasovites". The Nazis planned to destroy the Russian people and Russia in general, a similar fate awaited all other peoples of the USSR. This should be understood by modern Russian admirers of Hitler, it was an enemy, terrible in its veracity. The Nazis did not particularly hide their plans.

The plan for the New World Order in German included the racial reorganization of Europe. The category A ("Nordic peoples") included the Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Dutch and a number of others, they were almost "their own" and had to join the German nation, "replenishing" its ranks. The British were recorded in the B plus category, they were descendants of the Germanic tribes of the Angles and Saxons and were considered, with some reservations, "full-fledged". The French, descendants of the ancient Germanic tribe of Franks, were recorded in the category B minus - "blood" was already corrupted, but not yet completely (approximately 50% were subject to resettlement).
Category C is already those who were genetically different from the "Nordic race" - for example, the Slavs. Take Poland - a bourgeois, capitalist country, communists and Russia in general are hated, but the occupation regime in Poland was very tough. Poles were turned into draft animals (95% of Poles planned to be evicted beyond the Urals, the territory was to be settled by Germans), most of the Czechs were waiting for the fate of agricultural slaves (50% were planned to be evicted beyond the Urals, some were proposed to be Germanized). Gypsies and Jews fell into this category. If the USSR had fallen, the Reich would have easily defeated Britain - for this it was enough to cut the main strategic routes - Suez, Gibraltar, capture Persia, drive the British out of India together with the Japanese. The main forces of the fleet and the air force to concentrate on the blockade of the island, it is very possible that soon the proud British themselves would have asked for a "pardon". In an alliance with Japan, possessing all the resources of Europe, Germany would have found both the USSR and the United States to ruin. It would only remain to sympathize with the "racially inferior" peoples of the planet.

Rosenberg, Alfred.

Reinhard Heydrich is the first head of the RSHA.
Plan "Ost"
In 1941, the General Directorate of Imperial Security (RSHA) developed the foundations of a policy in the East, in May 1942, the document was presented under the title "General Plan" Ost "- the foundations of the legal, economic and territorial structure of the East".
This document was preceded by a project developed by the Reich Ministry of the Occupied Territories, which was managed by Alfred Rosenberg, he presented it to Hitler in May 1941. According to it, the territory of the USSR was planned to be divided into 5 governorates: 1) Ostland - it would include Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Ostland, according to Rosenberg, was planned to be made a zone of settlement of the Germans, it was subject to complete Germanization within two generations. Approximately 85% of Lithuanians, 70% of Latvians, 50% of Estonians and practically all Belarusians were subject to destruction and deportation to the Urals (in the Urals, they planned to build huge concentration camps to "utilize" the population). 2) Ukraine - it was supposed to include the lands of the former Ukrainian SSR, the Crimean peninsula, a number of territories along the Don and Volga, as well as the lands of the liquidated Soviet Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans. According to Rosenberg's idea, the governorship was to receive autonomy and become the mainstay of the Third Reich in the East. But Hitler made changes - "autonomy" was canceled and replaced by total control. It was also planned to carry out a total "Germanization" on this territory, "freeing" the lands from inferior Ukrainians, Rusyns, Belarusians, Russians. 3) Caucasus - all territories of the North and South Caucasus were to be included in it. 4) Muscovy - the territory of the Russian regions to the Urals. 5) Turkestan - regions of Central Asia.

Heinrich Himmler is the second head of the RSHA.
The current lovers of Hitlerites' accomplices in the Baltic countries, Ukraine, and in Russia, apparently, have a very bad head. To praise those who served people who planned and already carried out plans for the complete "utilization of subhumans", which included not only "Muscovites", but also all residents of the Soviet Baltic region, Ukrainians, Poles, most of all Slavic peoples ?! And those who would have kept their "residence permit" in their homeland were waiting for sterilization and the life of draft animals or servants. Or is this the ultimate dream of the current Nazis in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Western Ukraine?

Fascist death camp Majdanek. 1944 g.

Some parallels with modern Russia
Hitler and his henchmen were quite frank in their plans, but it is interesting that after the collapse of the USSR, many of their recommendations were fulfilled by "democrats and liberals". True, they were not so frank, because they could beat them, so they talked about "liberalization, democratization, transparency, tolerance, political correctness, modernization, innovations, optimizations." But the result is the same - a drop in the population, birth rate, an increase in the number of abortions, sterilization of the population, an increase in illiteracy, the collapse of the education and health care system, an increase in nationalist sentiments, a decline in the morality of the Russian people, a deterioration in nutrition and much more.

- Federalization and the collapse of Great Russia-USSR into parts: all 5 "governors" according to Hitler's plan exist - the Baltic states are independent, Belarus and Ukraine are independent, the Caucasus is partly independent (South Caucasus), partly received a large autonomy (North Caucasus), the regions of "Turkestan" independent, Muscovy is.
- In order to destroy the enormous power of the Russian people, a process of separatism has been launched - national, regional (for example, the people are created by the "Siberians"). The creation of various "national" autonomies will undermine the ties of the Russians and sow self-doubt.

- From the plan "Ost": "By means of propaganda, especially through the press, radio, cinema … we must constantly instill in the population the idea that it is harmful to have many children … to show how much it costs to raise children … the broadest propaganda of contraceptives … abortion should not be limited in any way …”.“Our” democrats (and not only “ours”, but also in the countries of Europe, Africa and Asia) are doing everything according to plans that were developed long before them, even racists, Nazis of the late 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. From the same plan and similar documents - the idea of mass sterilization.

- Reducing the training of Russian doctors to a minimum, ending support for kindergartens, facilitating the divorce procedure, abolishing privileges for large families
- The collapse of the education system. According to Hitler, Russians should be given more alcohol, tobacco, education is bad for them.
- The introduction of the Latin script, in a number of republics of the former USSR they did it, there are plans for the Russian Federation

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