
Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". New commander

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". New commander

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Stepan Osipovich Makarov arrived in Port Arthur on the morning of February 24, 1904 and raised his flag on the armored cruiser Askold, which coincided with another joyful event - on the same day, the squadron battleship Retvizan was finally removed from the aground. is not the first thing that S.O. Makarov

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Under the command of V.K. Vitgeft

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Under the command of V.K. Vitgeft

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The exit on June 10 was very significant for the 1st Pacific Squadron: its main forces entered the sea in full force, having the task of defeating the Japanese fleet. With the filing of the governor E.I. Alekseeva, squadron commander, Rear Admiral V.K. Vitgeft, was sure that the Japanese

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. German "Bayern" (part 2)

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. German "Bayern" (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The description of the design of the Bayerne-class battleships will begin, of course, with its large cannons. The Bayern artillery is under construction. View of the aft towers As we have already said, the main caliber of the Bayern-class battleships was represented by eight 380-mm / 45 C / 13 guns (that is, the 1913 model). These cannons

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Until S.O. Makarov

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Until S.O. Makarov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, in the last article we left "Novik" when it, having received damage from a Japanese shell and taking 120 tons of water, entered the inner roadstead of Port Arthur. Interestingly, the battle on January 27, 1904, killing one of the Novik sailors (the mortally wounded gunman of the 47-mm gun Ilya Bobrov died on that

Project 22350 frigates. New Year's hopes. Is everything getting better?

Project 22350 frigates. New Year's hopes. Is everything getting better?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Recently, the news about the Russian Navy was very bleak, and we will not list them again, so as not to spoil the New Year's mood for the reader. However, a number of news that suddenly "appeared" just before the New Year, inspire cautious optimism: it is possible that the matter with

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. German "Bayern" (part 3)

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. German "Bayern" (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Features of the design and hull I must say that the design of battleships of the "Bayern" type posed an extremely difficult task for the German shipbuilders to link together "a horse and a quivering doe."

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Fight January 27, 1904

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Fight January 27, 1904

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The pre-war period of service of the cruiser "Novik" was not marked by any extraordinary events. After completing the full course of tests, "Novik" on May 18, 1902 arrived in Kronstadt, and on the morning of September 14 left for the Far East. During these 4 months, spent in the Baltic, the cruiser twice participated in the celebrations on

What should be a multipurpose nuclear submarine of the Russian Navy? A bit of sofa analytics

What should be a multipurpose nuclear submarine of the Russian Navy? A bit of sofa analytics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We devoted the last article to the appearance of a promising corvette for the Russian Navy, now let's think about what our multipurpose submarines should look like? 1

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Cost / effectiveness criterion

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Cost / effectiveness criterion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mast and communication means Someone such a combination may seem strange, but let's not forget that the main means of transferring information between ships in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were flag signals. And even during the First World War, radio stations were not yet completely reliable

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. Who is better? Introduction

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. Who is better? Introduction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As you know, the construction of the battleship "Dreadnought" in Great Britain was the beginning of the massive construction of ships of this class, known as the "dreadnought fever", which lasted from 1906 to the beginning of the First World War. The reasons for it, in general, are clear - the appearance

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. German "Bayern"

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. German "Bayern"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having studied the design features of the Rivenge-class battleships in the previous article, we turn to the brainchilds of the “gloomy Teutonic genius”, the heights of the German battleship of the First World War, called “Bayern” and “Baden.” The history of these ships began in the autumn-winter months of 1910. . when on

What should be the corvette of the Russian Navy? A bit of sofa analytics

What should be the corvette of the Russian Navy? A bit of sofa analytics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Without a doubt, readers interested in the current state of the Russian Navy have repeatedly met news and articles containing very negative reviews about existing projects of domestic ships in the near sea zone. We are talking about corvettes of projects 20380, 20385 and

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. British "Rivendzhi"

"Standard" battleships of the USA, Germany and England. British "Rivendzhi"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Let's start our comparison with a description of the British battleships of the Rivenge class, which are often called the Royal Soverin class, or simply the R class. All five battleships of this type were built according to the 1913 program: the first laid down the Rivenge on October 22, 1913, the last - the Royal Oak and Royal

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Design features

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik". Design features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The competition for the design of a high-speed armored cruiser of the 2nd rank was announced, most likely, in early April 1898. Already on April 10, the attorney of the German shipbuilding company Howaldtswerke AG received an assignment to design a 25-knot cruiser, and a day later

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Coastal troops. conclusions

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Coastal troops. conclusions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the two previous articles, we described the state of affairs in the coastal troops of the Russian Navy, which includes coastal missile and artillery troops and the marines. In the article offered to your attention, we will summarize and try to draw general conclusions about the state of this type of fleet forces. Generally

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik"

Armored lightning. II rank cruiser "Novik"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This article opens a cycle devoted to the history of the creation and service of the 2nd rank armored cruiser Novik. We must say right away that the ship turned out to be very unusual - neither during its design and bookmarking, nor during its entry into service, the Novik had no direct analogues either in Russian or in

How many warships does Russia need? The opinion of professionals

How many warships does Russia need? The opinion of professionals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the series "The Russian Navy. A Sad Look into the Future" we talked a lot about the state of the Russian fleet, studied the decline of the ship's personnel and predicted its state for the period up to 2030-2035. However, the dynamics of the size of the fleet alone will not allow us to assess its ability

Reflections on the repair of the BOD "Admiral Chabanenko"

Reflections on the repair of the BOD "Admiral Chabanenko"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The latest news of the construction of our Navy can drive an unprepared person into a stupor. Perhaps even deeper than the one that the Queen of Great Britain could experience if a couple of our bums knocked on her window with the proposal: "Will you be the third?" But let's start from the beginning. So

On the collapse of the Russian Navy and new methods of detecting submarines

On the collapse of the Russian Navy and new methods of detecting submarines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

With great interest I read the article “Fleet without ships. The Russian Navy is on the verge of collapse. " The material is in many respects consonant with personal feelings about what is happening with the domestic navy, but at the same time it contains something that has not been heard of before, namely, a new one

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Coastal troops

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Coastal troops

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Renewing our cycle on the current state of the Russian Navy, we cannot ignore such an important component of it as its Coastal Forces (BV of the Navy). In this article, we do not set ourselves the goal of making a comprehensive analysis of the development of the Coastal Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation, since, unfortunately, for this the author of this

Battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class. Conclusion

Battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class. Conclusion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, in the previous article we came to a fairly obvious conclusion - unfortunately, battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class looked good only against the background of the battlecruisers of England and Germany ("Tiger" and "Lutzov") simultaneously laid down with them. At the same time, the sailors themselves saw the Ishmaels as

Battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class. Part 3

Battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having described the artillery of the main caliber of the battle cruiser Izmail, let's say a few words about its other weapons. The anti-mine caliber of the battle cruiser was supposed to be 24 * 130-mm / 55 guns, placed in casemates. I must say that this artillery system (in contrast to the 356-mm / 52 guns) turned out to be very

Battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class. Part 4

Battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class. Part 4

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In previous articles, we reviewed the history of design, the features of weapons and armor of battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class, but now we will try to assess the combat qualities of these ships as a whole. I must say that this is very difficult to do. On the one hand, if we compare Ishmael with his

Naval aviation of the Russian Navy. Current state and prospects. Part 3

Naval aviation of the Russian Navy. Current state and prospects. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the first part of the cycle, we were forced to state with regret that today, in the event of a full-scale conflict with NATO, the Russian naval aviation of the Russian Navy can only “show that it knows how to die bravely” simply because of its small numbers. But maybe it's temporary

Battle cruisers of the "Izmail" class

Battle cruisers of the "Izmail" class

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Izmail-class battle cruisers are perhaps one of the most controversial projects of domestic heavy combat ships. And it all started like this … The first armored cruisers of post-war construction were created, in fact, on pre-war concepts, the experience of the Russian-Japanese war was taken into account in them

Night attacks by destroyers in the Russo-Japanese War

Night attacks by destroyers in the Russo-Japanese War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the discussion of a series of articles devoted to the cruiser "Varyag", a discussion arose about what could have happened if the Russian stationers had not entered the battle with S. Uriu's squadron in the afternoon of January 27 and had been attacked by Japanese destroyers on the Chemulpo raid at nightfall. Opinions were divided - there were

Naval aviation of the Russian Navy. Current state and prospects. Part 2

Naval aviation of the Russian Navy. Current state and prospects. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We will begin the second article on the Russian naval aviation by working on the mistakes of the previous one. So, first, the author assumed that in 2011-13. tactical fighter and strike aircraft were completely withdrawn from the Navy, with the exception of the TAVKR air group "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union

Battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class. Part 2

Battlecruisers of the "Izmail" class. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As we said earlier, the international competition ended on May 12, 1912, with the victory of the project No. 6 of the Admiralty Plant, which to the greatest extent satisfied the delivered TTZ. And, I must say, he almost completely corresponded to them, so that the Naval Ministry had only to start

Naval aviation of the Russian Navy: current state and prospects

Naval aviation of the Russian Navy: current state and prospects

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the article offered to your attention, we will try to understand the current state and prospects of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy. Well, first, let's remember what the domestic naval aviation was like during the Soviet era. As you know, due to a number of different reasons, the USSR in construction

Battlecruisers rivalry. Unrealized projects. Part 2

Battlecruisers rivalry. Unrealized projects. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article, we looked at the linear cruising creativity of Germany, the USA and Japan. And what about England? I must say that the British sailors after the First World War found themselves in a very difficult situation. On the one hand, England, as of 1918-1919, had the most powerful

"Gorshkov" in the ranks. But what about "Polyment-Redut"?

"Gorshkov" in the ranks. But what about "Polyment-Redut"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So it happened! On July 28, 2018, the St. Andrew's flag was raised on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" (hereinafter - "Gorshkov"). 12 years, 5 months and 28 days after the laying took place on February 1, 2006, the lead frigate of Project 22350 was accepted into the fleet. The ceremony was attended by

Battlecruisers rivalry. Unrealized projects

Battlecruisers rivalry. Unrealized projects

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this article, we'll take a look at the latest battlecruiser designs from the USA, Japan, and England. United States of America The history of the creation of the battle cruisers of the United States began well and … oddly enough, it ended well, although it should be noted that the merits of American admirals and

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Comparison with NATO aircraft carriers. Part 5

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Comparison with NATO aircraft carriers. Part 5

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In previous articles, we outlined the basics of tactics of carrier-based aviation and briefly "ran" through the characteristics of its aircraft, thereby obtaining the necessary data to analyze the capabilities of the ships we are comparing, that is, the aircraft carriers Gerald R. Ford, Charles de Gaulle, Queen Elizabeth "And TAKR

Battlecruisers rivalry. "Hood" and "Erzats York". Part 4

Battlecruisers rivalry. "Hood" and "Erzats York". Part 4

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this article, we will try to assess the combat capabilities of the Hood in comparison with the latest projects of German battlecruisers, and at the same time consider the possible reasons for the death of the largest British ship of this class. But before we get down to the familiar debriefing

Battlecruisers rivalry. "Hood" and "Erzats York". Part 2

Battlecruisers rivalry. "Hood" and "Erzats York". Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The history of the design of the last (of the built) British battle cruiser Hood, according to F. Kofman's apt remark, “reminds the saga of how the Admiralty tried to create a very bad ship. But at the last moment, this "idea" was either canceled altogether, or was subjected to such extensive

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Comparison with NATO aircraft carriers. Part 4

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Comparison with NATO aircraft carriers. Part 4

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article, we described the tactics of the actions of carrier-based aircraft when solving various tasks: anti-aircraft defense and air defense of a formation, as well as the destruction of a detachment of enemy ships. Accordingly, our next goal will be to try to figure out how successfully such tasks can be solved by means

Strategy for the development of shipbuilding until 2035 and the ocean fleet of the Russian Federation

Strategy for the development of shipbuilding until 2035 and the ocean fleet of the Russian Federation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For some time now, an interesting trend has been noticed on our site: a number of respected authors of "VO" proclaimed the imminent refusal of the Russian Navy from oceanic ambitions and the concentration of efforts on the so-called mosquito fleet. In support of this point of view, a document entitled "Development Strategy

Battlecruisers rivalry. "Hood" and "Erzats York". Part 3

Battlecruisers rivalry. "Hood" and "Erzats York". Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So Hood was laid down on the day of the Battle of Jutland, during which three British battlecruisers exploded. British sailors perceived the deaths of Queen Mary, Invincible and Indefatigable as a disaster and immediately began to investigate what happened. Numerous commissions have already been earned in

Battlecruisers rivalry. "Hood" and "Erzats York"

Battlecruisers rivalry. "Hood" and "Erzats York"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The process of creating battle cruisers in Germany did not stop on ships of the Mackensen class, although it could, because in February 1915 it was decided to continue building a series of battle cruisers according to the same project, bringing their total number to seven, and no new ships until the end of the war

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Comparison with NATO aircraft carriers. Part 2

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Comparison with NATO aircraft carriers. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article, we compared the aircraft carrier Kuznetsov with the aircraft carriers of NATO countries in such important parameters as the maximum number of aircraft in readiness for departure and the rate of climb of air groups. Recall that according to the analysis, Gerald R. Ford, as expected (difficult