
TAKR "Kuznetsov". History of construction and service. Syrian campaign

TAKR "Kuznetsov". History of construction and service. Syrian campaign

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this article we will talk about the only combat campaign of the aircraft carrier "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (hereinafter - "Kuznetsov"), during which his aircraft attacked the real enemy - the "barmaley" of Syria. But before proceeding with its description, it is necessary to say a few words about the state

Battlecruisers rivalry. Derflinger vs. Tiger? Part 3

Battlecruisers rivalry. Derflinger vs. Tiger? Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In previous articles, we analyzed the design features of the battle cruisers Derflinger and Tiger, and, without a doubt, comparing these ships will not take us much time. Theoretically 635-kg shells "Tiger" could penetrate 300 mm armor belt "Derflinger" from 62 cables, and the upper

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Comparison with NATO aircraft carriers

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Comparison with NATO aircraft carriers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this article we will try to compare the capabilities of the aircraft carrier "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (hereinafter - "Kuznetsov") with the aircraft carriers of other powers, namely the United States, France and England. For comparison, let's take the newest American Gerald R. Ford, the no less new Queen Elizabeth, and, of course

Battlecruisers rivalry. Derflinger vs. Tager. Part 2

Battlecruisers rivalry. Derflinger vs. Tager. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, after a small lyrical digression on the topic of Japanese battlecruisers, we return to English shipbuilding, namely, to the circumstances of the creation of the Tiger, which became, so to speak, the "swan song" of 343-mm British battlecruisers and their most perfect

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Construction history and service

TAKR "Kuznetsov". Construction history and service

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As we said earlier, the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (hereinafter - "Kuznetsov") turned out to be too large for one article in the cycle. Therefore, before starting to describe it, we examined in three separate articles the history of the creation of aircraft-carrying ships of the USSR and

Gotland battle June 19, 1915 Part 8. Submarines

Gotland battle June 19, 1915 Part 8. Submarines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The shootout of the Rurik with a detachment of German ships ended the confrontation between the surface forces, but the battle at Gotland was not over yet. As we said earlier, the operation plan provided for the deployment of submarines in the area of those ports from which heavy German ships could go to

Battlecruisers of the Congo class

Battlecruisers of the Congo class

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Strictly speaking, at this place there should have been an article dedicated to the British battle cruiser "Tiger", but due to the fact that its creation was greatly influenced by the "Congo" being built at the Vickers shipyard, it makes sense to give it a separate article. The history of Japanese battle cruisers takes its toll

On the day of the Great Victory. About the Baltic submariners. Shch-408

On the day of the Great Victory. About the Baltic submariners. Shch-408

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Submarines of the "Pike" type. It is unlikely that there is at least one person interested in the domestic navy who would not have heard of these ships. "Pike" were the most numerous type of submarines of the pre-war Soviet Navy, and a total of 86 units were built. Since their significant

Battlecruisers rivalry: Moltke vs. Lyon. Part 3

Battlecruisers rivalry: Moltke vs. Lyon. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this article for your attention, we will compare the combat capabilities of the battlecruisers "Lion" and "Moltke". As you know, a warship of those years was a fusion of speed, artillery power and defense fortress, and, for starters, we will try to evaluate the English and German ships from the point of view

Battlecruisers rivalry. Seidlitz vs. Queen Mary

Battlecruisers rivalry. Seidlitz vs. Queen Mary

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this article, we will compare the capabilities of the battlecruisers Queen Mary and Seydlitz. Comparing their predecessors, we separated the description of each battle cruiser into a separate article, and then another article devoted to their comparison, but in the case of "Seidlitz" and "Queen Mary"

Battlecruisers Rivalry: Moltke vs. Lyon

Battlecruisers Rivalry: Moltke vs. Lyon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As we said earlier, "Von der Tann" for its time turned out to be a wonderful ship, close to the standard of a battle cruiser. Therefore, it is not surprising that the next year (and German shipbuilders, in accordance with the "Law on the Fleet" laid down one large cruiser a year), the Germans did not

Battlecruisers rivalry: Moltke vs. Lyon. Part 2

Battlecruisers rivalry: Moltke vs. Lyon. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

While the battle cruiser Moltke was being developed and laid in Germany, the next naval revolution was being prepared in England, namely the transition to 13.5 inch (343 mm) guns. Without a doubt, this was a giant step forward, opening the era of superdreadnoughts to the world. But there is

Battlecruisers rivalry: Von der Tann vs. Indefatigeble. Part 2

Battlecruisers rivalry: Von der Tann vs. Indefatigeble. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The creation of three battle cruisers of the "Invinnsble" class at once obviously brought Great Britain into the world leaders in terms of battle cruisers. Following England, only Germany began to build ships of the same class, and even then not immediately, having laid down at first a rather obscure "large" cruiser

Battlecruisers rivalry: Von der Tann vs. Indefatigeble

Battlecruisers rivalry: Von der Tann vs. Indefatigeble

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In previous articles, we examined in detail the circumstances of the creation of the world's first battle cruisers of the Invincible class and the German "big" cruiser Blucher. All these ships, despite some positive qualities, were unsuccessful and, by and large, should be considered as mistakes

Errors of German shipbuilding. Armored cruiser Blucher. Part 3

Errors of German shipbuilding. Armored cruiser Blucher. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The combat path of the "big" cruiser "Blucher" was very short - the shells of the British battlecruisers quickly put an end to his not too bright career. A small episode in the Baltic Sea, when Blucher managed to fire several volleys at Bayan and Pallas, returning to Wilhelmshaven

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Missile cruisers

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Missile cruisers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the last part of the cycle, we examined the development prospects (or rather, the complete absence of such) of destroyers and large anti-submarine ships of the Russian Navy. The topic of today's article is cruisers. I must say that in the USSR this class of ships was given the closest attention: in the post-war period and until 1991

Errors of German shipbuilding. Large cruiser "Blucher"

Errors of German shipbuilding. Large cruiser "Blucher"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the series of articles "Errors of British Shipbuilding", we examined in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the world's first battle cruisers of the "Invincible" class. Now let's look at what happened on the other side of the North Sea. In February-April 1906, the British began to create

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future: mine-sweeping disaster

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future: mine-sweeping disaster

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mine-sweeping forces of the domestic fleet … Usually the articles of the cycle offered to your attention are created according to a certain template. A certain class of ships is taken, the composition and capabilities of those representatives of this class that are currently part of the Russian Navy are being studied, their

Errors of British shipbuilding. Battle cruiser Invincible. Part 4

Errors of British shipbuilding. Battle cruiser Invincible. Part 4

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the last article, we examined in detail the technical characteristics of the cruisers of the Invincible project, and now we will figure out how they showed themselves in battle, and finally summarize the results of this cycle. The first battle, near the Falklands, with the German squadron of Maximilian von Spee, is described in sufficient detail in

Errors of German shipbuilding. Armored cruiser "Blucher". Part 2

Errors of German shipbuilding. Armored cruiser "Blucher". Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having considered in the previous article the situation in which the project of the "big cruiser" "Blucher" was born, we will take a closer look at what the Germans ended up with as a ship. Artillery Of course, the Blucher's main caliber was a big step forward compared to the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau artillery

The role of aircraft carriers in the Soviet Navy

The role of aircraft carriers in the Soviet Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It was assumed that this article will continue the cycle "The Russian Navy. A Sad Look into the Future". But when it became clear that the only domestic aircraft carrier - "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (hereinafter - "Kuznetsov") is so huge that it categorically does not want to fit into one

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class. Part 6. Conclusions

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class. Part 6. Conclusions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, up to this point, we have compared the cruisers of the First World War era with the "Svetlana", which would have turned out if the ship had been completed according to the original project. Well, now we'll see how this cruiser got into service. "Svetlana" was almost ready for the war - if not for the February

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Part 7. Small missile

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Part 7. Small missile

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article, we touched a little on the state of the "mosquito" forces of our fleet using the example of small anti-submarine ships and were forced to state that this class in the Russian Navy did not receive renewal and development. As we said earlier, the Russian Navy had 99 MPK with a displacement from 320 to

Errors of British shipbuilding. Battle cruiser Invincible. Part 3

Errors of British shipbuilding. Battle cruiser Invincible. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, in the previous articles of the series, we have identified the sources of problems and strengths of the Invincible-class battlecruisers. The weakness of booking was directly determined by the design traditions of British armored cruisers, which were originally intended to fight ocean raiders and had

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class. Part 5. The price of quality

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class. Part 5. The price of quality

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous articles of the series, we found out that the Russian Svetlana-class cruisers were supposed to become the strongest, protected and fastest light cruisers in the world: in terms of the aggregate combat qualities, they should have left competitors far behind. Of course, such results were impossible

"Artillery vinaigrette", or British naval artillery of the early twentieth century

"Artillery vinaigrette", or British naval artillery of the early twentieth century

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Without a doubt, the British, when designing their all-big-gun ships Dreadnought and Invincible, designed them for long-range combat. But an interesting question arises: what distances did the British then consider large? To answer it, you need to figure out how

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class. Part 4. Speed and armor

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class. Part 4. Speed and armor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the last article, we examined the possibilities of artillery armament for Svetlana-class cruisers in comparison with their foreign counterparts and came to the conclusion that Svetlans have a significant advantage over foreign cruisers in this parameter. But any advantage is good only when

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Part 6. Corvettes

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Part 6. Corvettes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article of the series, we completed the analysis of the state of the Russian submarine fleet. Now let's move on to the surface. Studying the capabilities of our SSBNs, MAPLs, diesel-electric submarines and this strange EGSONPO, we paid special attention to the ability of the Russian Navy to solve its most important strategic task, namely the task

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Part 5. Special purpose boats and this strange UNMISP

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Part 5. Special purpose boats and this strange UNMISP

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The story about submarines will not be complete without mentioning the special-purpose boats that are part of the Russian Navy. The purpose of these boats is largely secret and not disclosed to the general public. Currently, the Russian Navy includes seven nuclear deep-water stations, including: Project station

Svetlana-class cruisers. Part 2. Artillery

Svetlana-class cruisers. Part 2. Artillery

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this part of the series, we will look at the Svetlan artillery in comparison with the light cruisers of the leading naval powers. Battleships and battle cruisers amaze the imagination with their size and power: this is probably why historians pay much more attention to large ships than to their smaller counterparts. Not difficult at all

Superman of the Land of the Soviets: Project X large cruiser

Superman of the Land of the Soviets: Project X large cruiser

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the article offered to your attention, we will consider the features of the Soviet naval and design thought of the mid-1930s on the example of the development of a large cruiser project "X"

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class. Part 3. Firepower versus peers

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class. Part 3. Firepower versus peers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article of the series, we examined the artillery systems that were in service with the British, German and Austro-Hungarian cruisers, and compared them with the domestic 130-mm / 55 cannon, which was going to arm light cruisers of the "Svetlana" type. Today we will compare the artillery power of the above

Errors of British shipbuilding. Battle cruiser Invincible. Part 2

Errors of British shipbuilding. Battle cruiser Invincible. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this article we will take a look at the history of the design of the latest British armored cruisers (which, in fact, should be considered the Invincible), in order to understand the reasons for the emergence of the 305-mm caliber and the somewhat strange layout of its placement. The thing is that, in spite of

On "pocket" battleships, the Tsushima syndrome and the gloomy Teutonic strategic genius

On "pocket" battleships, the Tsushima syndrome and the gloomy Teutonic strategic genius

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Early morning. A light ripple easily rocks the ships of His Majesty on the ocean wave. Clear winter sky, visibility from horizon to horizon. The boredom of months of patrolling, which could not be dispelled even by the smoke noticed by the observer of the "Agex". You never know what neutral transport slowly smokes

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class

Light cruisers of the "Svetlana" class

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this series of articles, we will try to evaluate the project of domestic light cruisers of the Svetlana class, comparing it with similar ships of the world's leading fleets, and also figure out how justified the post-war completion of ships of this type was

Errors of British shipbuilding. Battle cruiser Invincible

Errors of British shipbuilding. Battle cruiser Invincible

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

His Majesty's ship "Invincible" is the most amazing creation of the British naval genius. She became the first battle cruiser in the world and the founder of a new class of warships. Its appearance had a tremendous impact on the naval doctrines of other states of the world, and in

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future (part 2)

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the first article of this cycle, we examined the current state and immediate prospects of the submarine component of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation, now we have a non-strategic nuclear submarine fleet in turn

Four battles of "Glory", or the effectiveness of mine and artillery positions (end)

Four battles of "Glory", or the effectiveness of mine and artillery positions (end)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having studied the battles of the battleship "Slava" in Moonsund, we can draw some conclusions about the battle at the mine-artillery position as a way of conducting combat operations of the weakest fleet against the strongest. Without a doubt, undefended minefields seriously impede the enemy's actions, but independently

Four battles of "Glory", or the effectiveness of mine and artillery positions (part 4)

Four battles of "Glory", or the effectiveness of mine and artillery positions (part 4)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The battle of October 4, 1917 is interesting in that absolutely everything was mixed in it: selfless courage and loyalty to duty, cowardice and alarmism, professionalism and slovenliness, and in addition, a fair amount of black humor

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this series of articles, we will try to assess the state of the current shipbuilding programs of the Russian Federation and try to understand what awaits our navy in the next decade, including in the light of the new state armaments program for 2018-2025