Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
And why did you end up losing? Evert Gottfried (Lieutenant, Wehrmacht Infantry): Because a flea can bite an elephant, but it cannot kill. Anyone who tries to study the history of war in the air in the Great Patriotic War is faced with a number of obvious contradictions. On the one hand, completely
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The issue of the absolutely disastrous provision by the military and state leadership of the Third Reich to its own army, which was fighting on the Eastern Front, with winter uniforms and equipment, remains for many one of the most inexplicable mysteries of the war period. As the Germans with
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At different times in different countries, all coups and similar performances began in the same way. On an alarming night from April 21 to April 22, the deserted streets of Algeria, the capital of the department of the same name, were filled with the roar of moving equipment: track tracks clanked rhythmically, powerful engines jerked out in a deep bass
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Most of the Russian posters during the Russo-Japanese War belonged to the lubok genre. The Japanese on these posters looked stupid and weak, a ridiculous adversary, which is easier to deal with - no one expected Russia's defeat, of course
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Good humor has always been appreciated in the army, and it is not without reason that the catch phrase "who served in the army does not laugh in the circus" is still in use. Friends, I propose to smile a little (too much negativity pours out on us every day)! British scientists have conducted a serious study
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I was born in the 60s and remember how often, when I walked along Titov Street from school number 20 in the city of Rovno in Ukraine, I heard the sounds of an orchestra playing a funeral march (I found the time when veterans of the Great Patriotic War were buried by stopping public transport when it
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On July 15, 2014, five years ago, the largest man-made disaster in the history of the Moscow metro took place. 24 people were killed, and four responsible officers were convicted and sentenced to real terms of imprisonment. How the accident happened on the summer morning of July 15, 2014, nothing
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Despite the massive demobilization after the end of the war and the return of millions of former front-line soldiers to the national economy, a new demographic catastrophe was uncontrollably approaching. It was associated with huge human losses during the war years. These losses are still impossible to take into account in full
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The Kuban Cossacks were not ardent supporters of Ukrainization Photo: RIA Novosti About little-known pages of the history of southern Russia
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Pirates have chosen the Mediterranean Sea since time immemorial. Even Dionysus once became their captive, according to ancient Greek myths: having turned into a lion, he then tore his captors to pieces (with the exception of the helmsman, who recognized him as a god). According to another legend, sea robbers were
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In 1952, the reception office of Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov, who at that time held the post of Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, received a letter. Someone Efremenko, who lived in the city of Lvov and worked as a civilian worker at one of the construction sites of the Office of the Military
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Every schoolchild knows the epic story of 300 Spartans who, at the cost of their own lives, held back the offensive of the many thousands of Persian army. In Soviet history, there were several similar cases of mass heroism, the most famous of which are considered the exploits of 28 Panfilov heroes and
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Something about the economy It is true that the economy of the USSR could not compete with the economy of the West, it is true. But a natural question arises: why did the USSR economy withstand and even defeat the European one during the great crisis of 1941-1945? Many well-known Western economists in their works directly write
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The bright personality of Israel (Alexander) Lazarevich Gelfand (Parvus) - Russian revolutionary and German imperialist, Marxist scientist and prominent entrepreneur, cosmopolitan and German patriot, backstage politician and international financier, social democratic publicist and
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During the Cold War, the confrontation between the United States and the USSR unfolded, as they say, on all fronts. With the help of radio stations broadcasting in Russian and other languages of the peoples of the USSR, the West waged an ongoing information war against the Soviet Union. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, pro-Soviet and
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Can snakes smoke? In the old days, the old soldiers of the Brazilian army would have answered in the affirmative. The soldiers of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force, who had the difficult task of fighting against the Nazis in Italy, in the Apennines, was nicknamed "Smoking Snakes". Brazil was the only one
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Some time ago, one of the active visitors of "VO" (Anton, a builder by profession) became interested in one specific topic, namely the participation of modern Russian business in the development and upbringing of children. The question of how our school does this arises on the site
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At the end of February of this year, news fell as a funeral wreath for the flourishing of "democracy" in South Africa: the country's parliament voted by a majority vote to expropriate the lands of the white colonists without any compensation. In general, there is nothing surprising, since what began under the slogan "kill the Boer"
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During a visit to Moscow, Czech President Milos Zeman expressed insult to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about Leonid Maslovsky's article "Czechoslovakia should be grateful to the USSR for 1968: the story of the Prague Spring."
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Tripko Tsakovich. "Fight of the Serbs with the Turks" In the previous articles, it was told about the situation of Armenians, Jews and Greeks in the Ottoman Empire. And also - about the situation of Bulgarians in Turkey and Muslims in socialist Bulgaria. Now we will talk about the Serbs. Serbia under the rule of the Ottoman Empire
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28 years ago Sergey Andreevich Mylnikov was born 02/08/1986 - Hero of Russia Decrees dates: 09/19/2008, Medal No. 925 Sergey Andreevich Mylnikov - tank commander of the 141st separate tank battalion of the 19th Voronezh-Shumlinskaya Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and the Red Banner of Labor motorized rifle
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On the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. We will never forget the great names that forged Our Victory … The first cannon shot at the territory of Nazi Germany was fired on August 2, 1944 from a 152 mm howitzer-gun. It was a weapon created back in 1937 by an outstanding
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There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. Perhaps the only one that does not have an age limit. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, not only young people, but also many old people who had long been removed from the military and labor registers, did not stay away from the national struggle. One of them was grandfather Talash
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Thanks to the painting by Franz Roubaud "Living Bridge", one of the exploits of Russian soldiers, faithful to duty and honor, who are ready in difficult times to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the Motherland and comrades in arms, has survived to this day. Caucasus
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Alas, you can't remember all of them by name. Time mercilessly erases the names of the white cranes that flew away with the flock. People lived inconspicuously: as expected, raised their children, made plans for the future, and when the dashing time came, naturally, as if there was nothing special about it, they performed feats and went into
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On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the name of the pilot of the Great Patriotic War returned from obscurity. Evening traffic jams at the exit, people in a hurry to get into their homes, relax, forget in front of the screen, splashing negative or cloying, below the belt, vulgar humor, plunge into the virtual world
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On September 2, 1945, the Act of Surrender of Militarist Japan was signed aboard the American battleship Missouri
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Your attention is invited to an article from the complete collected works of I.V. Stalin, vol. 15. “Conversation with A.S. Yakovlev March 26, 1941 "At the end of the conversation between the Leader and the aircraft designer, the question of Ukrainian nationalism will be raised. Stalin's words are especially relevant now:" However, the nationalists should not be underestimated
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A superstructure sticks out of the water at the pier. The body is hidden under the water. The place takes. But once it was a good training station, made on the basis of a project 613 submarine. It would have served for thirty more years. Only now, probably, I'm tired of enduring inattention to rescue training with
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After the Greek city-states of the Northern Black Sea region managed to defend their independence in the fight against nomadic tribes, the situation on the Crimean and Taman peninsulas stabilized somewhat. But the disappearance in the 5th century BC. NS. defensive alliance led by Archaeanaktids had both
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Source: roman-glory.com In the middle of the 1st century BC. NS. after the collapse of the Pontic state and the death of Mithridates VI Eupator, his son Pharnaces II was entrenched in power in the Bosporus. Having betrayed his father and raised a revolt against him, he hoped thereby to arouse favor with the Roman Republic and to keep in his hands at least
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Fragment of a scene depicting two warriors. Taman relief At the very beginning of the 1st century AD, there was a relative calm in relations between Rome and the Bosporus kingdom. The empire ceased to exert direct pressure on the region, and the ruling elites of the Northern Black Sea region, in turn, ceased
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Pontic Troops (turningpointsoftheancientworld.com). Artist Angel Garcia PintoIn the 2nd century BC, the echoes of the Scythian-Sarmatian battles still made themselves felt. The loss of a single dominant force in the region, combined with a multitude of nomadic peoples who came from the Great Steppe, created
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Scythians in battle (according to M.V. Gorelikov) The end of the fratricidal civil war and the establishment of Eumel on the throne did not at all mean the end of the troubled times in the life of the Bosporus kingdom. The defeat of the Scythian tribes and their retreat under the blows of the Sarmatians became another link in the chain of events that
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In one thousand nine hundred and eighty furry year, after working days, on the eve of the weekend, we were sitting with the guys from the brigade in my garage, which was exactly halfway from the plant to the house. for a life". In the brigade, everyone was after
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It was 1945. Spring was fragrant with its smells .. May …! On one of the farms in East Prussia, Platoon 114 of the Svyazi detachment was stationed. These were young girls born in 21-23 years old. The very fact that they were in this war is unfair! It is unfair that they are born to love and give birth, not to kill
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Today, the Russian reader is unlikely to be told by the name of the American John Scali. And in the 60s of the last century, this name was gratefully mentioned by the top Soviet leadership. John Alfred Scali was born on April 27, 1918 in the city of Canton (Ohio). After graduating from Boston University, Scali worked
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Among the first countries on the territory of which the Soviet Republic began to conduct intelligence activities were the countries of the Muslim East. In 1923, a legal residency was established in Persia 1. The activities of the residencies in Persia were directed by the 5th (Eastern) sector of the Foreign Department
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Roman Empire in 293-305 Clarification: during this period Diocletian bore the title "August", and Galerius - "Caesar" Perhaps, the topic of the article will cause confusion among some readers: we are talking about the Roman Empire, which means, as many might think, the question of the capital is decided unambiguously - Rome. However, the term
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Ya. Z. SuritsIn 1919, Afghanistan became the first state with which the RSFSR established diplomatic relations and in which the first Soviet embassy was opened. It was headed by Ya.Z. Surits 1. The first military attaché of the Soviet state was also appointed here: in August 1919, B.N