
Swiss army bike "Militärvelo". Models MO-05, MO-93, MO-12

Swiss army bike "Militärvelo". Models MO-05, MO-93, MO-12

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Bicycle troops, bicycle infantry, or, as they were called earlier, "scooters" - these are combat-ready, highly mobile units that appeared long before the First World War. Despite their seeming archaism, they not only existed in many countries, but also successfully adopted

Work with weights

Work with weights

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this article, intended for beginners, we would like to talk about one of the physical training methods, which, in our opinion, should be an integral part of any activity. In principle, it is already used in so many places in one way or another, but this material can help to look at this

WWII weapons

WWII weapons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

While working on articles in the series "Stories about Weapons", "One's Own Among Strangers" and "Another Lend-Lease", the amount of used materials and photographs has long been calculated in terabytes. And here, inevitably, you begin to think and compare. Moreover, as we have already written more than once, the history of the appearance

Fatal hypersound! Will the R-37M ensure supremacy over NATO aircraft without a direct-flow partner?

Fatal hypersound! Will the R-37M ensure supremacy over NATO aircraft without a direct-flow partner?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A lot of discussions on the Russian Internet have caused the news of the impending acquisition of operational combat readiness of the heavy ultra-long-range hypersonic air-to-air missile R-37M, which should become the largest caliber for gaining air supremacy in ammunition

"Tank killer" JAGM in the series: the issue of increasing the security of the Russian Army has become even more acute

"Tank killer" JAGM in the series: the issue of increasing the security of the Russian Army has become even more acute

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Over the past six months, the news sections of dozens of domestic and foreign military analytical resources have not ceased to be full of headlines and short publications about the advancement of a promising project of an American promising multipurpose air-launched tactical missile

Counter-battery battle of "artillery killers": Russian "Zoo-1M" against the US AN / TPQ-47. Is it worth it to flatter yourself?

Counter-battery battle of "artillery killers": Russian "Zoo-1M" against the US AN / TPQ-47. Is it worth it to flatter yourself?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Counter-battery radars for artillery reconnaissance 1L260 "Zoo-1M" (left) and AN / TPQ-47 (right) In previous studies, we returned several times to a comparative review of various types of domestic radar systems of the RF Radio Engineering Forces with their American counterparts. Eventually

Unobtrusive tactical RC "Pirania": new "surprises" from the Polish defense in addition to JASSM

Unobtrusive tactical RC "Pirania": new "surprises" from the Polish defense in addition to JASSM

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The armed forces of Poland received enormous attention from Washington and the leading American arms corporations in just a few years after the beginning of the aggravation of the military-political situation in the small, but very complex and unpredictable European theater of operations. Close proximity to

Prospects of air combat missiles "Astra" in fire control systems of fighters of the 4th and 5th generations

Prospects of air combat missiles "Astra" in fire control systems of fighters of the 4th and 5th generations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Guided air combat missile "Astra Mk.1" Independent development and serial production of promising guided missile weapons for various carriers is today an important indicator for assessing the level of the military-industrial complex of any more or less developed state. In

Heavy "stealth unloading" for J-20 and "heavenly eye" for "Liaoning": details of the first "response" to the transfer of the F-35B to Japan

Heavy "stealth unloading" for J-20 and "heavenly eye" for "Liaoning": details of the first "response" to the transfer of the F-35B to Japan

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A stealthy 5th generation J-20 tactical fighter with a new stealth offload. The total number of PL-21D guided air combat missiles simultaneously deployed in inconspicuous overhead containers and internal weapon bays can reach 16-18 units, which is one of the best

Anti-missile intricacies in the Caucasus theater of operations in the light of the "games" of Baku, Tbilisi and Tel Aviv: are the threats great? (Part 2)

Anti-missile intricacies in the Caucasus theater of operations in the light of the "games" of Baku, Tbilisi and Tel Aviv: are the threats great? (Part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Anti-aircraft guided missile "Aster-30" is equipped with an advanced high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a directional density of the field of dispersion of fragments, its mass is about 20 kg. Even in those rare cases when the Aster-30 does not hit the target with a direct hit, the deviation from the target rarely exceeds 3-4 m, and

Anti-missile intricacies in the Caucasus theater of operations in the light of the "games" of Baku, Tbilisi and Tel Aviv: are the threats great? (Part 1)

Anti-missile intricacies in the Caucasus theater of operations in the light of the "games" of Baku, Tbilisi and Tel Aviv: are the threats great? (Part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The main disadvantage of the Tamir interceptor missiles of the Iron Dome complex is the impossibility of effectively intercepting high-altitude stratospheric targets, as well as supersonic objects moving at speeds of more than 2200 km / h in pursuit

The use of the R-73, AIM-9X and "IRIS-T" missiles against ground targets in extreme combat conditions (part 2)

The use of the R-73, AIM-9X and "IRIS-T" missiles against ground targets in extreme combat conditions (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In early June 2013, the site reported that the penultimate modification of the AIM-9X Block II "Sidewinder" was brought to the level of a multipurpose WTO and is capable of striking both air and ground targets. One of the main investors in the system optimization program

The use of the R-73, AIM-9X and "IRIS-T" missiles against ground targets in extreme combat conditions (part 1)

The use of the R-73, AIM-9X and "IRIS-T" missiles against ground targets in extreme combat conditions (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Before you is a guided missile of close air combat R-73 on an aircraft launcher of the APU-73-1D type. Around the edges of the solid propellant rocket nozzle, a complex frame structure is visible, which ensures the movement of 4 spoilers of the gas-dynamic thrust vector deflection system. It is this construction

"Thunder-2" with a touch of "Dongfeng". Where do the legs of the Ukrainian OTBR come from and are we laughing early?

"Thunder-2" with a touch of "Dongfeng". Where do the legs of the Ukrainian OTBR come from and are we laughing early?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Back in early December 2017, Leonid Shiman, General Director of the Ukrainian State Enterprise NPO Pavlograd Chemical Plant, made a rather unexpected and contradictory statement about the entry of the program for the development of the operational-tactical missile system "Grom-2" into the final phase, which even then created in Runet

Tipping point in the Baltic skies: can we fend off the latent threat of the onlookers of the Rivet Joint?

Tipping point in the Baltic skies: can we fend off the latent threat of the onlookers of the Rivet Joint?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Literally every week, reports continue to come in about incessant reconnaissance flights by NATO tactical and strategic electronic reconnaissance aircraft in the immediate vicinity of the most powerful air zones of prohibition and restriction of access and maneuver (A2 / AD), created in

"Mysterious" Atlantic campaign of BF corvettes will put on the ears of NATO anti-submarine forces in the North Atlantic

"Mysterious" Atlantic campaign of BF corvettes will put on the ears of NATO anti-submarine forces in the North Atlantic

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The most popular British and American media, as well as our eminent news TV channels, are unlikely to tell about this, because most of the events will most likely be behind the curtain of obscurity and will not be subject to disclosure. We will try to consider the event more

"Petrel" is not good for war

"Petrel" is not good for war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I will begin my article with the following statement: the newest rocket with a reactor on board the Burevestnik is, of course, a wonderful product, only for war, practically unusable. According to some reports, this is a Burevestnik in flight

Types of aircraft carrier decks: pros and cons

Types of aircraft carrier decks: pros and cons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Aircraft carriers are one of the most important strike forces of the surface fleets of major naval powers. In this case, the speed of lifting into the air of the aircraft wing located on the aircraft carrier is of particular importance. The combat power of an aircraft carrier directly depends on the deck, its correct location

Oh, that old galley

Oh, that old galley

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Yes, I would like to talk about the galley, because this is a more weighty thing than land-based counterparts. In fact, even the ancient Romans or Greeks, who traveled through their flat world, would agree with me that everything is easier on land. And from a trireme or any other vessel, where are you going?

The "wonder weapon" is not for war even today. Even modern

The "wonder weapon" is not for war even today. Even modern

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

History is an interesting thing, but historical examples quite well allow us to look at quite modern events today. Let it be through the prism of time, but the result is funny. So, the main message is this: we will not soon see the full-fledged combat use of "miracle weapons"

Installation for disposal of medical waste at the forum "ARMY-2016"

Installation for disposal of medical waste at the forum "ARMY-2016"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Research and Production Association "POLUS" (Voronezh) together with military doctors, military scientists and specialists of the military-industrial complex will present a mobile autonomous multifunctional installation for the disposal of medical waste (UUMO) using an innovative screen

Combat questionnaire-9: Bartitsu

Combat questionnaire-9: Bartitsu

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Bartitsu from the story of Sherlock Holmes really existed. This is the progenitor of European self-defense, one hundred years ahead of its time and once again confirming the statement "everything new is well forgotten old." They practiced situational trainings, learned to work against

Army I like it here

Army I like it here

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I wish you good health to everyone reading! I am still a private in the Russian army. "Bye" because by the New Year they promised to give a corporal according to the position held. I am a reconnaissance spotter in an artillery brigade in the Central Military District, where they write and talk about the army. I decided to write a little about how I

Stick for urban self defense

Stick for urban self defense

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A stick - along with a stone - is one of the first human tools. A stick can be found on almost any street (pipe, thick branch, plank, etc.). But, despite the naturalness and simplicity of this weapon and its use, you can still give a number of recommendations for using a stick in a street fight - as in

How homemade military equipment is involved in real battles

How homemade military equipment is involved in real battles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The news that the Syrian rebels were again using their home-made Sham-2 BMP made us remember other examples of heavy military equipment, created almost at home. It is worth noting that the craftsmen who skillfully create replicas of tanks from tractors decorating the backyard, otherwise

The "Petrel" project. Known and expected

The "Petrel" project. Known and expected

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

About a year ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin officially announced the development of a promising strategic cruise missile with a nuclear power plant, providing it with practically unlimited flight range. In the future, the rocket, named "Petrel", repeatedly became

Tips just in case, but there are different cases

Tips just in case, but there are different cases

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The following advice comes from a former GRU officer hiding under the nickname Raccoon. Unfortunately, all contacts with him have been lost. The scenario is similar - civil war or war. … One way or another, the scenarios may be different. The bottom line is always the same: you need to survive the first two weeks, and then "it will be seen" (moreover

Taking into account the Syrian experience: features of the Ka-52M "Superaligator" helicopter

Taking into account the Syrian experience: features of the Ka-52M "Superaligator" helicopter

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Russian Ministry of Defense intends to sign a contract this year for the supply of 114 Ka-52 helicopters in a modernized version of the Ka-52M. An enterprise has already been identified, which will be engaged in the production of a new version of the Alligator - the Arsenyevsky aircraft plant "Progress" in Primorye, however

Useless civil defense

Useless civil defense

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This article will focus on an issue that has received very little attention - recommendations for civil defense in the event of a nuclear strike and their effectiveness. I'll start right with the main thesis: everything that is stated in manuals and manuals on civil defense in the event of a nuclear war is useless

Weapons of a new generation against the unarmed

Weapons of a new generation against the unarmed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The weapon in question, it would seem, is the very place in some sci-fi thrillers, and not in the streets of our cities. In its development, the United States undoubtedly has a leading place. Devices that use microwave energy to make a trumpet sound in your head

The Chinese approach to the Su-25. Are we talking about ethics?

The Chinese approach to the Su-25. Are we talking about ethics?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not that in a complaint to the Chinese side, but still. It is clear that business is business, and there are partners and competitors here. But, frankly, the passage of some Chinese media about the downed Su-25 is more than strange. It is clear that there is a lot of unclear in the story of the downed attack aircraft. And the way in the Ministry of Defense

Fighting tanks in 1918

Fighting tanks in 1918

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The publication on VO of the material about the "Music Box" tank raid by Lieutenant Arnold once again aroused the interest of the site's readership in the use of tanks during the First World War. After all, this was exactly 100 years ago, and we can see with our own eyes (this is not at all what

Fecal weapons: bloodless, cheap, but effective

Fecal weapons: bloodless, cheap, but effective

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not everyone knows that humanity produces a lot of waste. In 1987, it produced garbage the size of Mont Blanc, but today it has two such mountains. However, that garbage … There are just a lot of people, and they just start (or rather, already produce!) Waste in a fantastic amount

"Anatomical cuirass" (part 1)

"Anatomical cuirass" (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In a number of articles published here on VO, the issues of knightly defensive weapons were considered in sufficient detail. But as it turned out, the question of the evolution of such an important piece of armor as the cuirass was not considered. That is, the second most important protective part of a military suit after the helmet

"United Russia" - armored train of the White Guard

"United Russia" - armored train of the White Guard

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The fate of our country is amazing. At the beginning of the century, liberals and Bolsheviks foaming at the mouth argued that “the country is heading into the abyss,” “the people are starving,” but … the data of the commissions unambiguously showed that the height, weight and muscle mass of recruits are growing from year to year. But on the other hand, everyone received criminal experience

Combat questionnaire-3: SVES

Combat questionnaire-3: SVES

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

SVES stands alone among all systems. This rare system was studied by intelligence fighters who were supposed to engage in the capture of enemy missile launchers and counter-actions in the event of the capture of our important facilities by enemy special forces. It seems that there is no need to explain that the extreme importance of

Gas canister for urban self-defense

Gas canister for urban self-defense

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Gas cartridges have been on everyone's lips since the early 90s. But is it really such an effective means of self-defense? What types of gas cartridges are there and in what situations should they be used? And besides, how to apply? How to choose a gas cartridge for yourself? We have considered these and other questions

Victor Panasyuk: "The best weapon is a smile"

Victor Panasyuk: "The best weapon is a smile"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Victor Borisovich Panasyuk is the owner of the 7th dan of Goju-Ryu. But with us he shared information about the South Chinese style "Fist of the White Crane", which he has been studying for 10 years, as well as his experience and observations of life and its extreme sides. "Fist of the white crane" in a row

Battle questionnaire-2: Irish stick fight

Battle questionnaire-2: Irish stick fight

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Usually Ireland is associated with beer in pubs, sheep on green hills, with druids at the most … But Ireland can also boast of a martial tradition - moreover, dating back to pagan times. The most famous of these traditions is the now popular cane fight. About the roots of this tradition, its

About making combat decisions

About making combat decisions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Inaction in combat, in a combat situation or in preparation for hostilities is unacceptable, since it makes it easier for the enemy to destroy our soldiers. If you do not act, then the enemy acts. Inaction entails defeat and death. This is a self-evident truth. It would be logical to assume that