Armies of the world
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
A Russian Su-24 bomber on Saturday flew several times near the US Navy destroyer Donald Cook in the Black Sea, simulating an attack. The ship's crew members undergo the necessary procedures with a psychologist to recover from the stress they endured. 27 destroyer crew members filed a report on
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Brave American GIs are taking cities with one Marine battalion! Neither the lack of Coca-Cola, nor the delay in delivering pizza to the front lines - nothing can break the morale of the American Marines. Enduring the hardships and hardships of military service, US soldiers crush tenfold
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On May 10, 1940, the German Dornier Do.17 bomber was intercepted by Swiss Air Force fighters and landed at the Altenhain airfield. neutral country space
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The population of Israel is 8 million. The population of the countries of the Arab East exceeds 200 million people. This is the hottest region on the planet: nine full-scale wars in less than 70 years. Israel entered its first war on the day after declaring its own independence: May 15
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
On the benefits of joint exercises … on the calendar October 1992. A joint squadron of NATO naval forces is moving in the Aegean Sea. The darkness of the southern night is cut through by the navigation lights of the ships - the crews take a break from the busy day's watch. Do not sleep only on the aircraft carrier "Saratoga" - American sailors
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The number of US overseas military bases is a variable with rather fuzzy criteria. Independent analysts provide a list of 865 Pentagon facilities on all continents of the Earth - excluding secret CIA prisons, military bases of allied countries and potential options for deployment
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The US Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was hit by two hits from Dongfeng 21 ballistic missiles. The warheads of missiles at a speed of five times the speed of sound pierced the flight armored deck and six lower decks of the aircraft carrier, destroying all posts, cockpits and storage facilities in their path. Scary
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General Grachev once "joked" that he would take Grozny in two hours with the forces of one regiment of the Airborne Forces. As a result, over 10 years of war, the entire Russian army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to be driven through the Chechen Republic. History knows many such examples of excessive self-confidence and cruel miscalculations in
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The invincible and legendary US Navy Sixth Fleet hastily left the Mediterranean Sea as a Russian naval group approached the shores of Syria. Actually, the Sixth Fleet itself and its commander - Vice Admiral Craig Pandolph have not gone anywhere - they are still in the zone entrusted to them
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Recent events near the Senkaku Islands (a disputed territory between the PRC and Japan) have clearly demonstrated to the Japanese society the need to further strengthen the country's defenses - China, which has awakened after centuries of sleep, is increasingly showing its ambitions. Instability in
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The US Congress recognized pizza as a vegetable It was not the problems of housing and communal services that were discussed at popular meetings; on the agenda were the conditions for entering the next internecine war. Would
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Article 9. Sincerely striving for international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people for ever renounce war as the sovereign right of the nation, as well as the threat or use of armed force as a means of settling international disputes. 2. To achieve the goal
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100,000 tons of democracy can ruin any country’s day. Nevertheless, the deeper I study aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft, the more often I come across more and more funny details about this type of naval weapon. Today I invite readers to look at this topic from a slightly unusual angle
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The situation around Syria is shaping up badly. First of all - for the American "hawks" from the yellow White House. The general illogicality of the coming war, multiplied by the internal economic problems of European countries, gave a natural result - loyal allies of the United States, all as one
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A woman is born and remains free and has equal rights with a man. A woman has the right to climb the guillotine; she must also have the right to enter the podium. ("Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens") - Olympia de Gug, 1791 Dreams tend to come true. American Kara Haltgrin dreamed since childhood
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On November 15, 1960, the dark waters of the Firth of Clyde boiled, and a new generation boat emerged from the depths of the Scottish Gulf. Ripping through the bitter cold water, the world's first nuclear-powered missile submarine set off on its first combat patrol. George Washington spent 6 days in a given
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
“Cuts in the military budget and military forces of Great Britain mean that this country is no longer a full-fledged military partner of the United States.” With such a harsh statement last week, ex-Pentagon chief Robert Gates made on the BBC radio. “We always expected that on the other side
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On May 26, 2012, on the day of Georgia's independence, a traditional military parade was held in the evening in Kutaisi, and earlier in the morning in Tbilisi, on Rustaveli Avenue and Rose Revolution Square, the first "industrial parade" (open exhibition) "Made in Georgia" was opened. number of
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Bashar al-Assad needs to try very hard to thwart the West's plans to "reformat" his country. For more than a year now, the attention of the whole world has been riveted on the Middle East region, where the fate of many peoples of Muslim countries is once again being decided. The new object of direct state
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For several years now, Russia has been helping the Syrian people in whatever way it can. Let's remember at least about the humanitarian aid and about the military advisers who train the Syrian soldiers and help the Syrian command. At the same time, Russia is helping the Syrian army with the supply of new Russian weapons and ammunition
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It is no secret that Iran is actively helping the Syrian army in the fight against international terrorism. Here one can recall the 15 billion dollars in loans, and the huge number of volunteers and military advisers sent to the rescue of the Syrian soldiers
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But not only the Russian Navy is gradually being renewed, but also the navies of its neighbors. I have wanted to make a similar photo report about China for a long time. But everything was somehow too lazy to take it. After all, they are updating at a fairly decent pace. And since China and I are once again brothers forever, then it's time to find out how
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
According to a high-ranking source in the Syrian Ministry of Defense, several hundred employees of the Syrian special forces Al-Waadat al-Qassa have landed on the territory of the United States recently on a legal and illegal basis. Battle groups of 3 to 7 people
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
So that is all. Russian generals call their Belarusian colleagues in horror. In the General Staff, the officers have gloomy faces. We need to look for new ways to counter NATO in the Baltics and Poland … The Defense Ministers of Russia and Belarus decide where to transfer the announced exercises
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
I'll tell you right away for those who read only the title and the beginning of the article. There is no description in the title. The author does not smoke or drink anything. The conversation today will focus specifically on the Soviet Union. Or rather, about Soviet weapons. Be that as it may, the legacy of the USSR in this area is so huge that even after a quarter of a century
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In order to have an idea of military equipment and training of subunits and units, it is not at all necessary to participate in wars. Any serviceman who took part in military conflicts will confirm this. War in movies and war in real life look completely different. And the combat
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Now, when the actions of the new American president resemble the actions of a child who first got into a modern toy library, when the United States almost daily changes its positions on some issues of international politics, more and more often one can see analytical articles, polls, and predictions of the future
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The fragile ceasefire that came in February is practically openly used by the parties to the conflict to prepare for hostilities. On Monday, a message appeared on the Facebook page of the press center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “Workers from different regions of Ukraine are increasing the system of fortification
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Continuation of the article about the "Combat" battle control system. The first part is located HERE. As it was said in the first part of the article - in the second part I present the text of the article in the original. "How a Ukrainian programmer created software for battle control." Evgeny Maksimenko exchanged a comfortable office for an IT company with
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The Armed Forces of Ukraine receive as help from various aid funds and sympathetic individuals not only bacon in tubes, bulletproof vests, embroidered shirts and transforming beds
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“It is time for the military to accept the facts, and the facts are that beards save lives. In light of this information, we will require all men to wear at least one inch of facial hair at all times.” From General James E. Mattis Address to all troops in the combat zones
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I finished publishing a series of reviews about military equipment (BMDR-s) and decided to return to my traditional topic ("Individual weapons") for a while, but I could not pass by such an event. On November 12, the US government donated to the National army of Moldova party of military
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
One of the main directions of development of the domestic armed forces is the creation of new electronic warfare systems. Such equipment makes it possible to hinder or make impossible the operation of various enemy systems, such as communications or radar detection stations
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In the photo, the US Navy aircraft carrier strike group led by the CVN-65 USS "Enterprise" aircraft carrier. In the foreground you can see the Arley Burke-class destroyer DDG-78 USS Porter, behind the aircraft carrier - the DDG-94 Nitze URO-class destroyer, and the Ticonderoga-class missile cruiser CG-69 USS Vicksburg closes it
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Peremoga is a very delicate matter. As the practice of observing the object (Ukraine) shows, it is often only one step from this very recession to sheer resentment. I made every effort not to do it, but, alas, it did not work. So, in order, July 20-21, 2015 in the Nikolaev region, at the training ground
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The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified the US Congress of the upcoming deliveries of 70 M39 Block 1A (MGM-168) ATACMS tactical missiles to Finland. The cost of the deal to be
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April 8 marks four years since the signing of the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START) between Russia and the United States. More than three years have passed since its entry into force on February 5, 2011. In Russia, these dates were marked
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The military potential of Asian countries is increasing from year to year. The constant enmity of Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, South and North Korea makes their military industries develop and improve. The most developed in this regard is China. He has the largest army
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As you know, combat railway missile systems (BZHRK) with intercontinental ballistic missiles were built only in the Soviet Union and were in service only with Russian strategic missile forces. In other countries, primarily in the United States, attempts have been made to
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Predictions of a new Cold War and a new arms race between Russia and the United States are increasingly heard. This topic attracts the attention of military experts and the general public. As a result, numerous attempts are being made both in our country and abroad to compare the current situation and