
"Patchwork" submarines in the war

"Patchwork" submarines in the war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By the beginning of the First World War, all maritime powers could be rather easily divided into main ones, having significant naval forces with various and numerous ships of all classes, and secondary ones, possessing only purely local fleets, including, at best

Nuclear torpedo and multipurpose submarines. Project 671

Nuclear torpedo and multipurpose submarines. Project 671

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the United States of America on May 26, 1958, at the Electric Boat shipyard (General Dynamics) in Groton (Connecticut), the world's first specialized anti-submarine nuclear submarine SSN-597 "Tallibi", optimized to combat missile submarines of the USSR, was laid. The naval

Aircraft carrier "Novorossiysk"

Aircraft carrier "Novorossiysk"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

January 1996 Being only 14 years old, the aircraft carrier "Novorossiysk" was sold to a South Korean company for scrap, taken to the port of Busan and subsequently dismantled for scrap. The story of the appearance of the third Soviet aircraft carrier cruiser is not entirely common. At first, its construction was not at all

Coast Guard goes to intercept

Coast Guard goes to intercept

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In December, the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia should receive several new ships and boats for the coast guard at once. And some of them - two new ships and six high-speed boats, in addition to the already delivered Mongoose and Sobols, will come to Crimea. This in turn

Defective aircraft carriers and their strange planes. Falklands and Harriers

Defective aircraft carriers and their strange planes. Falklands and Harriers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The British victory in the Falklands created an exaggerated view of the capabilities of light aircraft carriers and short / vertical takeoff and vertical landing aircraft. In the photo - HMS Ark Royal, Invincible's sister ship, which was in the Falklands

The aircraft carrier question. Fire at "Kuznetsov" and the possible future of aircraft carriers in the Russian Federation

The aircraft carrier question. Fire at "Kuznetsov" and the possible future of aircraft carriers in the Russian Federation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The fire on the "Admiral Kuznetsov" caused a flurry of publications in the society about the fact that now this ship is over. At the same time, we recalled all the accidents and emergencies that happened with this ill-fated ship. It is worth returning the venerable public to reality. In this regard, a small "digest" from

Coastal defense aircraft carrier

Coastal defense aircraft carrier

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There is hardly an issue that causes the same heated debate as the need for Russia to have aircraft carriers (or lack thereof - depending on who and what proves what). Of course, none of the professional military on active duty, evidence of the uselessness of aircraft carriers in the Russian Navy

Defective aircraft carriers and attempts to replace them. UDC, Izumo and Queen Elizabeth

Defective aircraft carriers and attempts to replace them. UDC, Izumo and Queen Elizabeth

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Many consider the Juan Carlos as an example to follow, but this is a bad example

Defective aircraft carriers and their cost to society

Defective aircraft carriers and their cost to society

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Even after the appearance of airborne lifts on light aircraft carriers, they were not installed, at least on the bow. Why? Because the wave will wash the plane overboard from such a lift. Great ships. In the photo - "Illastries", type "Invincible" As shown by the Falklands, the lungs

"Marlin-350" accepted for supply of the Armed Forces

"Marlin-350" accepted for supply of the Armed Forces

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2015, the Marlin-350 remotely controlled unmanned vehicle (TNLA) was accepted for supply to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Undersea Warfighting. United States Navy Submariner Code. Part 1

Undersea Warfighting. United States Navy Submariner Code. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Central Naval Portal publishes the translation of the US Navy Submariner's Code. The main provisions set forth in the Code are clear, well known and are used by submariners of all countries in their daily and combat activities. Russian submariners have the concept of "good practice underwater

Repair, reserve and conservation ships of the Russian Navy

Repair, reserve and conservation ships of the Russian Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I continue to upload a series of photo reviews of the ships of the Russian Navy. This time, there are combat ships and boats, submarines and support vessels in reserve or put into storage, as well as undergoing long-term repair / modernization. Unfortunately, many of the presented ships are in

Mine layer "Volga"

Mine layer "Volga"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first carriers of sea mines were the Black Sea steamers of the Russian Society of Shipping and Trade (ROPiT) "Vesta" and "Vladimir", which during the Russian-Turkish war were equipped with the necessary devices for laying mines. When in 1880 for

Legendary first "Comrade"

Legendary first "Comrade"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The old sailing ship "Comrade" lived a rich, interesting and useful life. On its decks, the first commanders of the Soviet merchant fleet underwent maritime practice, followed by several generations of captains. Under the name "Lauriston" the ship was launched on October 17, 1892 from the shipyard stocks

Finn-class mine cruisers

Finn-class mine cruisers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In 1906, the Finn mine cruiser, built with funds from voluntary donations, entered the Russian fleet. He was destined for a long and eventful military fate. Its history, like a drop of water, reflected the history of the country. Having begun their military activities with the suppression of the uprising in Sveaborg in

Minelayers "Bug" and "Danube"

Minelayers "Bug" and "Danube"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Successful experience in the use of naval mine weapons during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. caused increased attention on the part of the command of the Russian navy to the development of tactical methods for waging war with a mine and methods of laying minefields. It was supposed to arrange mine

"Noviki" Soviet completion

"Noviki" Soviet completion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The ships laid down according to pre-revolutionary shipbuilding programs and completed in the first decade of Soviet power made a contribution to the victory over the Nazis in the naval theaters of the Great Patriotic War. Despite their considerable age, wear and tear of bodies and mechanisms, they steadfastly carried military service to

Construction of the first Soviet Arctic icebreakers

Construction of the first Soviet Arctic icebreakers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the early thirties, it became clear that the scale of research work unfolding in the Arctic and the number of transport vessels being carried out, especially to such distant regions of the Northern Sea Route as the mouths of the Lena and Kolyma, require powerful icebreakers. In fact, there were such icebreakers in our country at that time

Shipbuilding in besieged Leningrad

Shipbuilding in besieged Leningrad

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the shipyards of Leningrad restructured their work in relation to wartime conditions. They eliminated combat damage to ships, produced weapons and ammunition, built barges, tenders, pontoons, armored trains, participated in the creation

Aircraft carriers in the affairs and plans of the USC

Aircraft carriers in the affairs and plans of the USC

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In February 2014. The heads of the United Shipbuilding Corporation held several meetings with representatives of the media, including at the DefExpo'2014 arms exhibition in Delhi. Among other topics, the prospects for the construction of aircraft-carrying ships were discussed

Marine "Condors": project 1123 anti-submarine cruisers-helicopter carriers

Marine "Condors": project 1123 anti-submarine cruisers-helicopter carriers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the context of the development of the Soviet Navy, the late fifties and early sixties of the last century were remembered for two main trends. First, the construction of new American ballistic missile submarines forced the Soviet military and

Projects of Soviet aircraft-carrying amphibious ships. Our "Mistral"

Projects of Soviet aircraft-carrying amphibious ships. Our "Mistral"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The aircraft-carrying universal amphibious assault ship-dock of project 11780BDK of project 1174 of the "Ivan Rogov" type had many shortcomings, therefore, as directed by the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, Admiral S. Gorshkov, the Nevsky Design Bureau began the development of a full-fledged universal amphibious assault ship of the project

The Americans are arming a supercavity boat

The Americans are arming a supercavity boat

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to Juliet Marine Systems, the world's first watercraft with a supercavitating hull is ready to be equipped with torpedoes and cannons. True, at the moment, this statement has no connection with the US defense department, this is just another attempt to attract

Ice cutter "Fyodor Litke" - the history of the ship and the ship

Ice cutter "Fyodor Litke" - the history of the ship and the ship

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This unusual vessel - "Earl Gray" - was built in 1909 at the British shipyard "Vickers" to the Canadians - to work at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River and the bay of the same name. Outwardly, it, with a graceful stem crowned with a bowsprit, a slightly inclined high chimney and an elongated superstructure, rather resembled

Plans for the construction of "Varshavyanka" for the Pacific Fleet have been published

Plans for the construction of "Varshavyanka" for the Pacific Fleet have been published

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At present, the shipbuilding industry is completing a program for the construction of diesel-electric submarines of project 636.3 "Varshavyanka" for the Black Sea Fleet. In the near future, it is planned to continue the construction of similar submarines, but in the interests of another

Want China Times: Four Reasons for Sino-Russian Exercise in the Mediterranean

Want China Times: Four Reasons for Sino-Russian Exercise in the Mediterranean

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On May 11, the joint exercises of the Russian Navy and the Chinese People's Liberation Army began. The ship group of the two countries went to the Mediterranean Sea to work out the issues of interaction in the protection of shipping. Another joint Russian-Chinese

Car carrier: the ideal transport ship for war

Car carrier: the ideal transport ship for war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Sunrise Ace in all its glory Its silhouette most of all resembles a cruise liner, only completely without portholes - a blank board. At first glance, the ship causes a slight shock and even some rejection, nevertheless

BDK is worse than a car carrier

BDK is worse than a car carrier

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Project 1174 large landing ship. In this case - "Saratov". Launched in 1964, that is, the ship is 56 years old. Surprisingly, he is still afloat. Photo: Artem Balabin Discussion of the advantages and advantages of the Sunrise Ace car carrier ship for military transport in the previous article is very

Russian and US fleets: destruction statistics. Part 3

Russian and US fleets: destruction statistics. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Project 68-bis cruiser Murmansk on the rocks off the coast of Norway in 2008

Russian and US fleets: destruction statistics. Part 1

Russian and US fleets: destruction statistics. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It all began with the coming to power in the USSR of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. To retell for the hundredth time what happened to our country after that is a routine and uninteresting occupation. Therefore, let's go straight to the point. The purpose of this work is to understand how strong the end of the cold

Russian and US fleets: destruction statistics. Part 2

Russian and US fleets: destruction statistics. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

BOD "Gifted" in the Sea of Japan, 09/17/1983 What will we dispose of? In the first part of the article it was shown that the USSR and then the USA began a large-scale reduction of fleets at the turn of the 90s of the last century. Let us ask ourselves a question - what was good in this process and what was bad? It's obvious that

Ship armor in the XXI century. All aspects of the problem. Part 1

Ship armor in the XXI century. All aspects of the problem. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This article will focus on the armor of ships and anti-ship missiles. The topic is so hackneyed that it causes strong rejection, and the author would not have dared to disturb the public with his "fabrications", if not for the desire to share considerations that illuminate the problem with a new

Ship armor in the XXI century. All aspects of the problem. Part 2

Ship armor in the XXI century. All aspects of the problem. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Volumes and masses Let's start by recalling the previously mentioned statement that modern destroyers and cruisers are the descendants of the artillery destroyers of the Second World War, and not battleships. And they never had anti-cannon armor. Moreover, never in the history of the fleet have there been ships with

Missing armor

Missing armor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Recently, a highly specialized discussion on the problems of shipbuilding has flared up on topwar. The accumulated thoughts made me write an article, because it is no longer possible to fit them into the commentary format. It's again about ship armor, so those who have developed an allergy to this

Ship armor in the 21st century: all aspects of the problem. Part 3

Ship armor in the 21st century: all aspects of the problem. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Battleship of the XXI century Despite many problems and limitations, the installation of armor on modern ships is possible. As already mentioned, there is a weight "underload" (in the complete absence of free volumes), which can be used to enhance passive protection. First you need

Ship armor in the 21st century - all aspects of the problem. Part 4

Ship armor in the 21st century - all aspects of the problem. Part 4

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Missiles It is difficult to assess the ability of modern anti-ship missiles to hit armored targets. The data on the capabilities of the combat units are classified. Nevertheless, there are ways to make such an assessment, albeit with low accuracy and many assumptions. The easiest way is to use the mathematical

Development of the USSR Navy: a look into the future

Development of the USSR Navy: a look into the future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Unfortunately, it became possible to judge the post-war development of the USSR Navy only after the collapse of the superpower. Total Soviet secrecy did not allow either amateurs or specialists to comprehensively assess their fleet. But after 1991, a whole stream of information poured out on everyone, in which it was easy

Ambiguous prospects for helicopter carriers

Ambiguous prospects for helicopter carriers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The program for the modernization of the Russian Navy provides for the construction of surface ships of all major classes, which is expected to provide the desired combat capability. At the same time, some plans for the development of the fleet are becoming a topic of controversy. So, a few years ago, actively

Landing party without ships. The navy is unable to carry out large-scale amphibious operations

Landing party without ships. The navy is unable to carry out large-scale amphibious operations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The last major war the Navy fought in was World War II. Neither the Germans nor the Japanese used any significant naval forces against the Soviet Navy. This created the conditions under which the weak and small navy was able to carry out dozens of amphibious operations, some of which had

Cold hot spot

Cold hot spot

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the Cold War, when the only route to America for bombers was through the North Pole, the Soviet Union built many military bases and airfields on the coast and islands of the Arctic. After the collapse of the USSR, most of these facilities were abandoned. It seemed there would be eternal peace and