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Mobilization. A young man reads a notice on the streets of Warsaw Before the beginning of 1938, the mobilization plan "S" was in force in the Polish armed forces. But in view of new events, the plan was found to be inappropriate to reality, both in terms of mobilizing human resources and military units, and
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"On the guard border of the Moscow state." Painting by S. V. Ivanov, 1907 The war between Moscow and Kazan continued throughout the reign of Khan Safa-Girey. The fighting alternated with peace negotiations. The Kazan government tried to deceive Moscow and avoid retaliation. The crafty khan first started
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Alexander Kerensky. The failed Bonaparte of Alexander Kerensky is remembered by history both as a nobleman and a homeowner, and as a lawyer with huge fees. But both Kerensky, and the next two "interim" military ministers, and even more so, his main ally - Boris Savinkov, head of the military
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The article was published on May 7, 1945 Berlin, a key city in the pretentious Nazi structure, was the masterpiece of all the senseless, suicidal last posts the Germans erected in blood and fire along the road that returned to it. The fourth city in the world, at its death hour was
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Despite the terrible losses, the economic system of the USSR was able to ensure Victory Direct damage caused by the Great Patriotic War to the economy of the USSR, equal to almost a third of the country's total national wealth, nevertheless, the national economy survived. And not only survived. In the pre-war and especially in
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Incompatible words? Far-fetched? Life has proven and continues to prove that this is not so. There is no exaggeration, no mysticism in the assertion that in the body of the T-34 tank there was and is to this day a certain substance that can be called a soul. I think every creation of human hands and in the hands
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Harbin The Russian railroad builders, like all foreigners in China, enjoyed the right of extraterritoriality. In accordance with article 6 of the contract for the construction of the CER in the right of way, all the usual institutions of the Russian administrative system were gradually created: the police, in which they served
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But the most unshakable of these myths is about the victory of the Mujahideen over the Soviets. “Explosion? What kind of explosion? " Afghan Foreign Minister Shah Mohammed Dost asked, elegantly raising an eyebrow as I interrupted his interview to ask about the sudden uproar I had just heard. “Oh yes, explosions of dynamite
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German transport aircraft Junkers U.52 towing DFS 230 gliders during the first day of Operation Mercury The results of the two waves of the Cretan landing were disastrous. Many commanders were killed, wounded or captured. The German landing suffered heavy losses. None of the tasks completed
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After the Soviet air defense finally managed to shoot down the U-2, the airspace of the USSR ceased to be a "gateway for foreign reconnaissance aircraft" U-2 training flight over California. This state housed the main base of American reconnaissance aircraft - Biel. Except her
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The good thing about the Soviet film "Twelfth Night" of 1955 is that, in addition to the excellent acting, you can still see equally beautiful costumes and weapons of the era of Shakespeare and Tudor England "Turning Property into Armor And Carrying Your Legacy" (William Shakespeare "The King
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On March 31, 1904, the battleship Petropavlovsk, the flagship of the Russian Pacific Fleet, exploded and sank in the outer roadstead of Port Arthur. This sea tragedy became the prologue to the crushing defeat of Russia in the war with Japan in 1904-1905, because among the seven hundred dead sailors was
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Information The Swede said that in the course of an independent investigation of the Katyn crime, carried out within the framework of the international project "The Truth About Katyn", information was received that in 1939-1040 in the USSR, the NKVD bodies shot about 3,200 citizens of former Poland: generals, officers
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Article published May 07, 1945 Torgau is a small German city (population in peacetime was 14,000), but it had its place in history long before last week. It was the scene of the victory of Frederick the Great over Austria in 1760, as well as a place of concentration of the Austrian
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In 1941-1945, events went according to the least likely possible scenario. A more logical result of the Soviet-German confrontation would have been the Brest-Litovsk Peace-2 in 1942 Was the victory of Hitlerite Germany over the USSR possible? The answer depends a lot on what counts as a victory. If
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December 6, 2008 marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Kiselev. Few people know that this man accomplished a feat during the Great Patriotic War. Nikolai Kiselev is the commander of the Red Army who escaped from captivity and ended up in 1941 in the occupied territory. By order of the Belarusian
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The silhouettes of 15 tanks, 15 ultra-modern vehicles were barely visible in the predawn twilight. Behind there was a night march, and in front … in front - the line of defense of the Nazis. What awaits the Soviet tank company there? For her, 26 kilometers of march was a trifle, but as an infantry, weren't people exhausted? Not
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Memories of an evacuation hospital nurse "I was terribly sorry for the people." Lyudmila Ivanovna Grigorieva worked as a nurse in Moscow evacuation hospitals throughout the war. She talks about this time with professional restraint. And she begins to cry when she remembers what happened in her life before and after the war
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Tybalt fights Mercutio. Romeo and Juliet (1968). Both are holding a Tudor rapier “Capulet. What is the noise here? Give me my long sword! Signora Capulet. Crutch, crutch! What do you need your sword for? Capulet. A sword, they say! Look, old man Montague. As if in spite of me, I was waving my sword like that.”(William
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Hypothetical situation: the East Prussian operation ends in success As it was shown in the previous part, the defeat of the North-Western Front was not predetermined. Moreover, the initial chances of the Russian army were higher. Consider a hypothetical situation in which the East Prussian operation
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The tragic fate of the 2nd Army is known. It is widely believed that the attack on East Prussia was hasty, unprepared and simply suicidal. But is it? Was Samsonov really a mediocre general? Did Rennenkampf, out of personal dislike for Samsonov, really do not give him
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What do we remember about the First World War? How do people far from history imagine the First World War? The most common sources of knowledge are vague memories from school lessons, some fragmentary information from publications and feature films, fragments of discussions, accidentally
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Why did I decide to write this article? In November of this year on the pages of "VO" there were several articles about the aces who went down in history "from the other side". One of the readers was outraged and wrote that there are two heroes for him personally: his two grandfathers. Someone considered this statement not related to the article, someone
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"Hunting for effigies". Cathedral of st. Stephen's in Budapest. Photo by the author, taken by someone else … “From the Abbey of St. Geraldine, where Sir Tristan Druricom died and for three days, according to custom, lay in the church, on the day of St. Agates carried him out in a pine coffin on a rich gilded stretcher. They carried him in four rows
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There were no propagandists, lecturers, many of whom died in our country after 1991. And such personalities remained in power? Yes? Yes! They have not left us anywhere! Scene from the movie "Carnival Night" "We know that the new forces of society, in order to act properly, need only
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“Where did the baptism of John come from: from heaven, or from men? They reasoned among themselves: if we say: "from heaven", then He will tell us: "why did you not believe him?" (Gospel of Matthew 21:25) both construction sites, leaving
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Today, the medical theme prevails on the air - for obvious reasons. The world is in a waiting stage - will the coronavirus pandemic decline or a second wave will appear. The discussion of the medical topic is also connected with the work on the vaccine. The first vaccine against a new infection was created as
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A soldier is a collective definition for a soldier in the army of any country in the world. This is one of the most frequently used words on military-themed resources, in military reports of news agencies. Often the term "soldiers" is associated with the rank and file of the troops, although this is currently
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Golovaty Ferapont Petrovich. Born on May 24 (June 5), 1890 in the village of Serbinovka, now the Grebenkovsky district of the Poltava region of Ukraine, in a peasant family. In 1910 he was drafted into the army. Due to good external data, high growth was sent to the Life Guards of His Majesty's Cuirassier
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It was forbidden to import Jaco's parrots into the Soviet Union, but almost all of them were transported from Angola, bypassing customs in a cunning manner. To carry live cargo, it is necessary that this cargo behave like a dead one, that is, it does not flutter and generally pretends to be a grilled chicken, only a small one. Because the parrots
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Part III Beware, the dog is angry … B. I, already the blood in the body of an army body remembered what it was supposed to be according to the blood charter - to run like a Sidorov goat along a clear route of arteries and veins. Ammunition … we squeeze between
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Foreword In the military schools of the USSR Armed Forces, the "staff" was rarely fired, government money had to be saved, and even now the staff is not made often (a couple of times a year) … and with practical shells, not combat. high-explosive projectile
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Foreword We always drink black on Tanker's Day. We remember everything and everyone. But not everything and not everything is possible to tell … We remembered the order of the Old Tankman on the tank training tower … it was a long time ago …. Winter
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It was already the last years of the 80s. The cadet platoon was in its own training class at the company location. It was in the evening, there was nothing to do, summer, heat, it was sampo … Everyone went about their usual business: more than half of the platoon courageously pressed the "mass", dropping their lead heads on
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Before February 23rd, in order to occupy the coming weekend, I decided to visit the bookstore. From childhood he loved two directions in literature. This is science fiction and a military history genre, although recent trends convince me that these two genres will soon merge. Since S. Lukyanenko has already pleased
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The reason is not established The next anniversary of the tragic and mysterious death of the battleship "Novorossiysk", formerly the Italian "Giulio Cesare" ("Julius Caesar"), is approaching. On the night of October 29, 1955, in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol, right at the parking lot (barrel # 3), after a strong explosion, sank after a strong explosion flagship
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The model of the station "Luna-3" in the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics The Soviet space program made a very strong impression on the West. The launch of the first satellite, the beginning of the lunar program, the flight of the first man into space made many dignitaries in the United States very nervous. Soviet Union at the end
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Fernand Magellan, portrait by an unknown artist of the 17th century. Uffizi Gallery Fernand Magellan, along with Christopher Columbus, was an outstanding navigator of his time. Even if you counted crows in your geography class, you still heard about the Strait of Magellan. This strait between the Atlantic and
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Fort Bull Sand in a state of disrepair today Since the Norman conquest of England, no one has successfully attempted to land on the islands, but the 20th century has seriously altered the balance of power. Britannia
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In our country today there are two big uniting people, regardless of their views and political preferences, events - this is the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the first manned flight into space. At the same time, the name of the first cosmonaut in the history of the Earth is known today not only in Russia, but also in